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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  2. I steal the sandwich before you leave, through the power of ninjas.
  3. I would master form VII and use it for self defense. What would you do if you found a set of demonic looking armor in your pocket?
  4. It was left over from a previos time, and I just decided to roll with it. I would take them as my own and watch as my house is slowly drowned in kittens and cats. WWYDIYF a full set of stormtrooper armor and blaster in your pocket?
  5. I know how, but I don't have a deck. TPBM has a cat laying on their keyboard.
  6. Use it to start a campfire. What would you do if you found a keyboard, with a cat included, in your pocket?
  7. Nope, as I can't smell. Do you have a strange habit, like catching flies and giving them to your cats to play with?
  8. Those are interesting links, more people should come to the museum. 11/2
  9. The universe demanded that someone went on a quest, before it was made extinct.
  10. The kandra co-consumed it. "Ahh, this hits the spot." "Only because you have the head." "Says the butt." "AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH" Nothing had really changed for them.
  11. I marvel at my luck and I run into the hills cackling and do a horneater victory dance with the sandwich.
  12. I find this absurdly funny, for some strange, or perhaps not so strange reason. Kas is dead, which sucks, as he can be a great asset to the village, but him being a smoker and now dead, could remove some confusion from scanners. Stay alive seekers, stay alive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TBD really wanted to change his name and left for the lords mansion. Walking on his way he saw a large crowd of people gathered around a burnt patch of land. "What happened here?" "The Inn was burned down, the owner hasn't been found, and one patron was left in the Inn. Both are presummed dead, but this seems to targeted an attack, a sign to the town, the spiked live among us." TBD thanked the man and he wandered off, thoughts spinning through his head. Why would this have happened, why?
  13. Annamus screams and his arm lurches against the tigers weight and he reaches up, grasping around the tiger's neck. His other hand, palm up and bare of any armor, reaches the flow of blood. The blood seeps into his palm and the torrent increases. When it reaches his palm, the blood begins to writhe and twist around his body. The rest of the tiger's corpse begins to twist around him, it begins to sink towards his skin and sink in. A green light envelops Annamus, and he falls unconcious, body transforming, tiger armor, above tiger skin, coming out. @Channelknight Fadran @xinoehp512
  14. I fly, because of my living dragon armor and I slam into Wit and then fly up at the sandwich spinning in the winds of the everstorm.
  15. I bring Wit over to Potato's Wit for an insult exchange, and I take the sandwich as the fee for entering Potato's Wit in the contest.
  16. The Quarkbeast, was not there, and she saw truely, what monsters her people were.
  17. I'm here, I've been busy, still catching up. I'll be more active though... ... Probably. I also agree on the effort clearing Kas, because I once did it with e!Kas and it wasn't good. Would I lynch him? Probably not as v!Kas is a usefull village asset. But the possibility No, I most likely wouldn't, unless substanial evidence comes up.
  18. Of course he did, what else would he have been doing when he was putting his arm around Anakin, hiding something from view. ... ... ... RUIN IS THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE!
  19. A tiger leaps from the shadows and lands infront of her. "Welcome to the clinic, Matra. We're glad to have you here. My master is gone for the moment and probably will be for a while, and so are most of the patients, those that have not lost themselves in the library and grown dust reading Hoid's secret history that is. Anyways, your room would be, hmmm, Z39 it seems," rumbles the tiger.
  20. I trip Nerdy into his trap and I walk away, whistling, with the sandwich.
  21. Granted, you now have a pop quiz on anti-derivatives. Good luck! I wish to be able to write better.
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