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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma stands by Calano, waiting for the guards to move. "I am also here to help find Calano's parents." Mine tended to live in seclusion and they changed where they lived frequently, your parents should know, Calano.
  2. The tiger reels from the punch, and it warrily begins circling Annamus. Crap, that did nothing serious. Annamus carefully prepares to let his legs back out of his armor. Time to try something unorthodox. Wait, I have a knife. As Annamus struggles to unsheath his knife, the tiger rushes him and pounces on top of him, right as Annamus rips his knife out of his sheath and it nearly jumps out of his hand. The tiger's claws scrape against his armor, as his dagger slashes across the tiger's throat, and he screams as the claws begin to dig into his chest.
  3. Annamus quickly pulls his legs inside his armor and plans his next move. Better to burst the armor than to lose my legs. Stupid tiger, well, brilliant tiger, Acutan me. Annamus quickly calls. "Anybody there, anyone at all, I've got a tiger trying to get at me, I'm stuck under a rock. HELP!" I wouldn't help you if I could. WAIT, YOUR NOT ME. Of course not. Then what are you. Annamus only hears slience in return. That's gonna be a problem for later, if I survive the next few minutes. Releasing his grip on the ground and ignoring his instincts, he lets the tiger flip him over, and he thrusts with his gauntleted hand, hammering against the tiger's skull.
  4. I don't really, just certain songs on repeat, alright, sometimes. TPBM should probably be doing something else right now.
  5. In a stroke of reality, the sandwich obeys gravity once more and it falls into my outstretched hands.
  6. My cat has developed a mind control ray. Did you mean to say explosive?
  7. I've been busy, I don't have time for much right now, nor much time for reads, so I think I'll let my vote stay. Nope nevermind Turtle. I don't really want to join a train, but I also don't like killing a new person. HHHRRGN. Nope, just gonna let it sit.
  8. Emma steps up beside Calano and makes a small curtsey. "And I am Emma B. Corvus, I'm here for the same reason as my husband." @CalanoCorvus
  9. Annamus walks through the twillight woods, senses tingling. A shadow moves and he jumps four feet into the air. What was that, wait how did I jump so high. Looking down, he see the boots have disconnected. By Ysill's rushing waters. I'm a dead tree falling in a forest. Not quite yet, I've still got some fight in me. Yeah, I suppose that I do. At least the shadow wasn't a tiger, but it could have been a person, wonder why someone would be out here. Shrugging his shoulders Annamus runs on, armor clinking, threatening to fall away. A shape pounces from the trees and crashes into his back. Not good, not good at all.
  10. *Bows down low, head scraping ground* "I take my hat off to you and throw it in a volcano, afterall how could I ever top that achievement. Good day to you." *Walks away and falls off a cliff.*
  11. That is what it is supposed to be, TLT but with a different prompt and not cosmere, we'll see how long it lasts. The young flower had only one friend in the world, her pet caterpillar.
  12. Your teleport is hijacked by my dark aura and I take the sandwich from you.
  13. The above statement was made unrelevant because it was too much like TLT. The little flower went home, crying because there was no hope for her dreams anymore.
  14. Yes, I'm not quite sure, but some blend of my usual and some of last game.
  15. I have some time to respond now, but I might not be on later. I see you haven't changed yet Mat, maybe this game will finally convince you to stop going after me D1. Bookwyrm, I'm getting villagery vibes from him. Hey, Turtle come join us. @Turtle -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- TBD walks into town, noting the town drunk running into a sign and throwing coins at it. Personally, TBD hated his name, it had come from an unfortunate obsession when he was a child, but NO MORE! But TBD wasn't any better, he was the third or fourth person named that and his original name had been MARCUS, how could he have been a Marcus! TBD sets out into the town, trying to find a new name.
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