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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Alright then." Emma walks down the hill, hand in hand with Calano, walking towards the village.
  2. Welcome to the shard, I see touched found your way to the clinic .
  3. Happy Birthday Alvron, may RNG be on your side today.

    1. Alvron


      Many thanks. May the Gods of Luck and Chance smile on you as well.

  4. I am an elantrian, a turtle elantrian with cool AonDor armor.
  5. Happy Birthday, fellow player of Civilization!

    1. Flaming Coinshot

      Flaming Coinshot

      Thank you! Sorry for the late response. 

  6. Annamus walks deeper into the tiger's territory, his senses telling him to run and never return. Warily Annamus walks on, into the den of the beast, armor disconnecting from his skeleton, threatening to come loose. It was a bad idea to start the process before, but if I get it, I'll only have to wait a day instead of three. That is if I survive.
  7. I send my interdimensional cat to retrieve the sandwich for me.
  8. Welcome to the shard! What's your favorite DnD campaign?
  9. Yes, we are here if you need to talk. Shoot me a PM if you feel you need to rant about something, I'm always willing to help a friend or even a stranger.
  10. Yes it is hard and will continue to be. Life is a contest, one where we choose how and who we win with.
  11. A poor wayfarring man of grief...every time I start crying or tearing up. Favorite kind of armor design?
  12. A nice deep black or a deep blue. What's your favorite thing for you to have done?
  13. Yes, though it has been getting warm again, I like the cold :D TPBM is sore, somewhere.
  14. My families cats are the same way, one, she will run away from anyone she doesn't know, but she will beg for attention whenever I try to go asleep.
  15. I emerge from the ocean of beeds and I stal the sndwich wih me awfl speling.
  16. Some cat questions. What breeds are your three cats? Favorite breed of cat? Have any of your cats really taken to you? Do they like to walk over your computer?
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