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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. As Annamus wanders the woods near Glein, he begins to notice gouges in the trees. What th- CLAW MARKS! I...I suppose so, by the depth and the size, it appears to be a tiger, possibly magical? No, not likely, it's old, very old for a tiger. Age or just an old marking, hmmmm. Most likely just old, gonna need something large for the armor, a claw! No, how would I get a claw, only if it was dead. You're gonna have to fight it. "Of course I'm gonna have to fight it." Sighing and pulling out his bow, Annamus begins looking for the tigers den, hoping he isn't going to have to fight. His concious replies in a sing song voice. You're gonna have tooooo.
  2. Yes, but it is now mostly impossible to start with a different backstory as we will be influenced by this thread, unconciously.
  3. Biting her lower lip, Emma replies. "I think that it is the Nethergrim unconciously sensing the building of something." Emma turns towards Calano, looking up at him, "I've been feeling it too. I feel that we must continue and find our parents, as they know what this is, having fought it before." @CalanoCorvus
  4. I shift into a glory spren and I take the sandwich from your stunned form.
  5. "Calano, Calano, please, listen to me. I can explain why this is happening." @CalanoCorvus
  6. At that moment a helm appears on Emma's face, a demonically styilized helm, and then it disappears. Emma sits on the ground and opens the briefcase from Wizard and begins rummaging through it. "I think there's a telescope in here."
  7. This is really interesting and I would read more of it. I also dig it.
  8. As Emma walks with Calano, different pieces of armor appear on her body and disappear almost as fast as they appear. @CalanoCorvus
  9. "Perhaps...perhaps that's a good thing." Emma rests her hand on Calano's shoulder. "Come on, we need to get moving if we're going to find our parents." @CalanoCorvus
  10. The Wrizrecan Emperor goes to petition the gods, once again, for his people. He begs them to free his people from their servitude.
  11. I crush them all in my turtle armor and I take the sandwich to the sea.
  12. Emma weaves shadows around herself and they sink into her, changing her clothes and she comes out wearing a dark purple flannel shirt and jeans. "Yes, it's changed somehow, not just maturity." Emma rests her palm on the trunk of a nearby tree. "They feel different, I don't feel the same level of joy that was present in them before."
  13. Emma grins at Calano. "I've been waiting since I've got you back to go find them. It sounds like a wonderful idea." Turning towards Bookwrym and Insa. "You need to know that Insa has a power that is just begining to break through. I don't know what it is, but it felt multifaceted."
  14. I jump from under sequence's getaway vehicle and I steal the sandwich.
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