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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. OOOOOOOOOOO heeheehee this story is so cool and amazing :3
    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Weaver of Lies
    3. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus


      What is TLT??

      TLT is arguably the greatest thread on this forum

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Can confirm, TLT is the best.

      Oooh, I'm working on a post for TLT rn. 

      It'll explain some things and set up more of Darkness doing evil things, which I really need to get going on...

  2. It's just what I've noticed so far in recent games. If I go inactive kill me Hehe sorry feeling a bit hyper tonight I forgot about that
  3. Krookodile!!!! Anyways I only ever played with a hidden serial killer faction. Steel's LG...don't remember the number Lets see...hmmm it was ah! LG 87: Choose your own many war Anyways I don't like serial killers Dunno how I'd win if I was one I know! I'd go inactive cuz it's like being evil :P Nightowl? Whoooo???? (Hehe sorry tis my weird way of saying Steel's LG had one)
  4. Welcome uhm...let's see if I can remember my pokemon uh sandile? Lemme make it a proper welcome Neil
  5. I dunno, it's been a while and never really been neutral so Best would be when I was Hoid in Ash's Shard game which was similar to my evil tell...though I'm trying to break those tells but this game won't help cuz I'm not evil
  6. The inactivity isn't usually a choice...well it is but I lose energy and the will to make time for the game so that's usually an easy way to tell if I'm evil
  7. Well they could have one like the evil bank in....what is it...what is the name........oh Despicable me Idk I'm terrible at distros so yall are lucky I haven't run a game yet I'm inclined to agree with your assessment though.
  8. She kept on a smile and quickly excused herself once the dance ended, when she felt something odd behind her. Her hands clenching over a sword that wasn't there.
  9. *hugs just hugs* I'm always available if you ever need someone to talk to. You can even call if you feel like it. It'll never be a bother, dear sister.
  10. Heeheehee yes!!!!!!! I really hope this one goes somewhere too as it's amazing!!!! And I love it all!! <333
  11. Hehehe it's fun though!!! You've gotten a vampire and the scarlet witch out of it Ooooo hopefully the weird hand one
  12. Hehehehehe :333333 I agree! And yeah he'll be super nervous and excited to dance with you. And more.
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