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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Happy birthday Emulaton!

    I hope you have a great day!

  2. It's actually yes, but no for us now, but yes in the end.
  3. Wizard looks down at his paws. Must not lick, cleaning...can...come...later. Wizard gently thumbs the object in his pocket, a wedding gift for Calano and Emma. Hopefully they will find it useful during their journey. It's the last memory that we have of what they created for us. I did have to fix it up, and I added somethings, hopefully they will remember what it is.
  4. I love Wizards in stories and they always seem to be wandering, but wandering wizard just didn't have the same ring to it as THE Wandering Wizard!
  5. NOPE, JOIN US! Also the google doc is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VHsQ-f-ypn_8t6Vug8LhpPFziCLI6qKEapW6N44yhiQ/edit
  6. Does anyone elses siblings get exponentially crazier the closer it gets to their bedtime?
  7. I looked and I couldn't believe that I couldn't find one. SO COME ONE COME ALL, WHETHER YOU LOVE THE SHOW OR THE CARD GAME COME HERE TO DISCUSS IT. Such as how overpowered Chaos max dragon is or the newest edition of blue eyes. Deck ideas? THEY ARE WELCOME!
  8. Emma glides out towards the altar, her bridesmaid's following her. Light radiates from her skin, lighting up the diamonds in her hair and her earings. Her white wedding dress, trimmed with silver, floats around her as she gracefully glides up to the altar and she smiles at Calano behind her veil. @CalanoCorvus "I Emma Bell Lifegiver, do take Calano J Corvus to be my husband. And I swear that he is my Crow and I his Raven. I will be there for him, always and forever. I have already followed him to death and back. I love my Crow." Finishes Emma simply.
  9. Wizard grins, his whiskers twitching upwards. "I'm glad to be here." "Thank you, so much. Now are you ladies ready?" @Ranryu, @The Halcyon Girl @InfiniteInsanity
  10. And magical creatures, My character, which I am planing on being on of the tribal race, will know how to make armor and it will provide protection and enhancement, because they don't really have any magical parts that can be used for powerful armor. I think that will help with limiting it in the begining. Armor has to be changed every, so often or they have to wait a long period of time, about a month-ish, before the armor's power begins to wayne, but leaving it on the certain amount of time will increase the effect and the user will gain more animalistic traits and features while wearing it that long.
  11. Emma turns from the Balcony in her gown etched with silver and she beams at @Ranryu, Insa, and Haly. Her skin glows with an inner light and the diamonds in her hair stand out against her black hair. "How do I look?" Wizard mentally contacts Calano with a brief message. It is time.
  12. I have an idea for them being a kind of tribal civilization that can be found in most places, they have secret communities where they live intune with nature and they gain their power to get magical armor from the wild, BUT anyone can receive this gift, very hard to do as most don't live with nature, but against.
  13. And don't forget my race/magic system of growing animal parts as magical armor, basically.
  14. Sure I'll go with it, we should have magical creatures, so that my rough idea for a magic system or race can work .
  15. The gargantuan baby killer built a castle out of mini m&ms and tasty chickens, but they exploded when eaten by Aragorn the Flatulent who was very hungry for someone chubby to eat, thus, Galdor dragons endeavored earnestly to eavesdrop on squirmy food that's trying to prey on evil bunnies.
  16. I'm thinking of a system where people can gain a kind of magical armor, created by parts of magical creatures, that grows out of their skin rather like carapace.
  17. As the team primps over Insa, Emma walks over to the balcony window and looks outside, thinking on her lovely Calano. He is mine and I am his. Forever Emma smiles and she ponders more on what the day will hold.
  18. A few members of the team approach Insa. "Do you need help getting ready?"
  19. "Thanks, though I think Calano has a team ready to help us." Talking with Insa buoys Emma's spirits and they finally arrive at the room. Giving Insa a semi nervous smile, Emma walks into the room and lets the team get to work.
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