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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Setting it up, getting ready, and inviting the guests." Emma grins at Calano. "Almost time, almost time. I'm excited, but also a little nervous." ============================= In the cave, the tiger awakens and he limps over to the lake. He leans down to take a drink and his claws scrable on the muddy bank and he slides in. Wizard walks on his paws out of the lakes and shakes of his fur. I feel much better now, I should have taken a dip earlier.
  2. Your wish is my command. You now smell out of your butt and see out of your armpits. I wish to be able to be struck by lightning and survive.
  3. Trying to be more active, which I think is working and trying to go less off of gut reads, which isn't working as well. I'm not exactly sure, just trying out a new strategy and be more helpful to the village instead of a hinderance, which also isn't really working. It's a bit more of a vibe thing and also the way you word your sentances seems more like the QF than the LG. Which I suppose isn't really much, but it's kinda all I got right now. I might change after I reread some stuff, later. Your more recent posts seem less like it now though, which is normal as I tend to read you elim and then it changes the second day. Mat.
  4. The three meals are unlimited, but you can only have those three certain meals. I worded the question badly.
  5. I don't really know, which is why I said it was less indicative, and I meant a full reads list not just a few. And you were right about posting earlier in the QF, though that was because and I quote the "EarlyAndDubiousReads train". It's not really allignment indicitave. Yes I haven't posted a reads list, because it's basically purely null, though I need to reread threads, tomorrow, possibly, won't have much time though. Mostly different and a little more aggresive, also different than I usually play, because that doesn't seem to be working out, but neither is this.
  6. Give it to Coran or Allura. What would you do if you found a magical artifact in your pocket?
  7. He then burned the Nicrosilmind, using fartomancy, to create the largest silent one ever.
  8. Unleash the curse of Ghanderflaffles on the world. What would you do if you found fartomancy in your pocket?
  9. The storm rages against the gate and the land heaves itself against it, but the ancient wardings on the castle hold against the changing.
  10. I am tired right now. I meant a more a reads list, as it was only Dannex and Me that he said reads on. Though full reads don't always come until later. I am a little scatterbrained right now. It mostly stems from me being really tired, the fact that I am trying a little different strategy, and the fact that I don't have any clear reads on anyone, all are a bit murky, except Mat, he's less murky than the others.
  11. Alright, so you just add me as your shardbuddy in your signature, most people if you ask them will concent to being your shardbuddy. *Politely murders Rabbit*
  12. Yeah, though I am inclined to give shining a slight elim read. This stems most from the fact that I believe Mat is evil. First of all he is acting very similarly to how he acted in the recent QF 62. He is not really acting like he has when he's been village. And he hasn't posted his reads yet, which isn't really alignment indicative, but village Mat usually or sometimes will do it earlier.
  13. Foe found himself caught between a mega demonic platypus and an allpowerful beaver.
  14. If you could only have three meals for the rest of your life, what would they be and why?
  15. Hilariously enough, they both hinged on creating a new species of ghanderflaffle.
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