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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Do you want to be my shardbuddy? You've killed me enough. I rate that signature at a solid 9.8/10
  2. When ever I'm not distracted. How many children have you pickled?
  3. Very well. 1. This place is owned by a noble family
  4. "We should get outta here." "Yah think!" "GRRRRRRrrr." Growls a anger spren. "Why do you make your stomach make those sounds. You know we don't need food." "Says the person who loves to release air through their hand." They keep on arguing and walking, not noticing the encroaching angerspren.
  5. Nope TPBM wishes they didn't have to go to school anymore.
  6. The shifting landscape creeps up behind them. A ordinary flower caught in the change shifts, darkens, and consumes a bee caught in the shift. Rain drops begin to nip at their heels. Emma runs her hand through Calano's hair and she smiles at him. "And for now the clinic is silent."
  7. Do you see something wrong with this picture?


    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Um- That's interesting. I blame my awesomeness.

    2. The Wandering Wizard
    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette


      Yeah that happens all the time

  8. I did not do this, though I should have. If you do not while creating a account, Rubix will own your soul and sell it for a donut. Anyways, Welcome to the shard!
  9. Image of tesla coil Test it to see if it was real. What would you do if you found a dark magician in your pocket?
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