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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "I know, but the bond was broken when you died and has yet to be restored. This should be everything, right? Now we just need to invite everyone."
  2. "The combining of their magics was only temporary and to form a bond between both of them, a bond that would let them know if the other was alive and where they are."
  3. Exhausted, Wizard fails to sense the infinitesimal pressure on his mind and slips back into unconciousness. Emma's eyebrow jumps an inch. "You mean Yumi and the nightmare painter?" She clears her throat. "But the most important one is, do you want to do the traditions of both our people, combining our magics?"
  4. Some times, kinda depends on the circumstances of the moment. Do you have a favorite video game? Favorite board game?
  5. Nope, you didn't miss anything. That is often how I post, so it at least makes sense to me. My brain is reading JNV evil, hasn't changed. Might as well switch, though I have only successfully read JNV once. But do I really want to, better than shining. JNV.
  6. A new signature. Praise the day! But don't really. 10/10
  7. In a shadowed corner of the clinic, the tiger awakens and slowly cleans his fur, slowly, ever so slowly, regaining his energy.
  8. Not as scary as existing as part of a hivemind, your brain only used as space and then finally being freed to think for yourself.
  9. You can't win for more than 18 minutes on copied text.
  10. Not really, just tired and with no real reads, almost every reads null, and JNV with slight e lean. But I always seem to read JNV with an e lean and I'd give him the benefit of me doubting my D1 reads, for now.
  11. Shining, cause I have no better nor worse place to rest my vote. And your vote seems a little strange. =============================== Jimmie pulled out his laptop and started typing away about the state the parks in New clipperton were in. The furry little devil had decided to nap in his hair, claws diging into his hair. Jimmie winced as the cat shifted on his head and he tried to focus on a general plan for the beautification of the parks that he could sell to the public. That cat is making this more difficult than it needs to be. I really should have given it to my friend when it was a kitten. Nah, I never could have, I love cats too much.
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