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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Welcome to the shard! That is an amazing profile picture.
  2. It honestly sucks that others would use their agency to hurt others, but that is the world we live in. A world where people seem to care less and less. Which is why this is such an amazing site, as the people here care for each other.
  3. You aren't. I loved those motion controls, had some trouble reliably stabbing in Skyward Sword at times. But I got there in the end.
  4. My favorite would have to be Twilight Princess, first one I ever played, wii version of course.
  5. The tiger lays down and ears flicking backwards, concentrates on the source of all the beings fleeing toward the clinic. Those that flee are minor problems compared to the one scaring them here. Kaos shifts in his prison, he must have been the source of the scourge. Dimensional beings fleeing from him and invading other worlds. He must be revealed again, before it is too late. Wizard reaches out to Bookwyrm to warn him, but fails to reach him. It might be too late for Bookwyrm, I must try again. The tiger goes rigid as it uses all it's might to send a single message to Bookwyrm, but Wizard is only able to send an impression of danger. Wizard collapses and falls unconscious having nearly spent too much energy getting the message past Kaos. @The Bookwyrm
  6. "Inviting on of the soulless? Actually that's a brilliant idea. I'll invite Ranryu, though I don't know who for a second bridesmaid. Do you have an idea for it Calano?" @CalanoCorvus
  7. The small baby rabbit found a bush of mini m&ms, but they exploded once
  8. I needed a refresh as well but I think I understand now. PM's? Send a few. I will have variable activity as well as lower activity.
  9. That is a amazing writeup. I'm not going to make the same mistake as last time Mat.. -‐------------------------------------------------------- Jimmie decided to take a walk in the park. After all, they're just normal people like us. This may be the best place to find them and finally not write about cats. Something furry brushes against his leg. Rust it all, that cat will follow me anywhere. Might as well avoid the claw marks this time. And so Jimmie pets the black cat getting distracted once again.
  10. Welcome to the shard! Who is your favorite character/characters?
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