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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma grins. "The tradition of dancing after the wedding, to dance with you."
  2. Pretty good, you know how it's been going in the clinic, with me trying to write Emma.
  3. The palace of the God king, on nalthis. Specifically the catacombs underneath.
  4. "Yet your parents had vastly different traditions from my parents. They had both come from different parts of Oziria."
  5. I've been switching between Trial of the fool and trying to beat the radiance for the first time, I've mostly been taking a break for now.
  6. The summon didn't work. @That1Cellist So instead, the Selffalfrednahgs pledged their support to the Spookians. - @The Bookwyrm
  7. Emma allows Calano to lead her away to plan, a grin covering her face.
  8. For this thy curse shall be The curse of Margee Zee
  9. Emma slowly exhales blowing a stray lock of hair out of her face. "I-I hadn't gotten over Wizard's death quite yet, and you suddenly being gone. The colors...they bled from the world." Emma's arm tightens around Calano's waist. "I have you and Wizard again, something I never thought possible." Emma kisses Calano. "Thank you for coming back."
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