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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Welcome to the shard! Perhaps you'll get stuck in this Quagsire with us. Who are your favorite characters?
  2. Emma leans against Calano and a tremor runs through her body. "I didn't care what was going to happen to me that year, nearly just let the chickens sacrifice me."
  3. When you hear a teacher talking about a dream of a librarian coming and talking to her in a year and telling her to save the world, and you start internally screaming.
  4. "I wasn't keeping track of time either, I had been captured by the chickens, but if Wizard is right, it would have been about a year."
  5. "Yes, it does feel nice to finally rest. To not have to worry too much about what is going to happen." Emma leans her head against Calano's shoulder. "Peace, that's something I haven't felt for a long time."
  6. Emma pulls herself up and sits against Calano, feeling his presence, his being, and enjoying sitting in the morning next to her beloved one.
  7. Emma's violet eyes blink open and grin spliting her face, "Hi, Calano!"
  8. It could not exist in this plane of existence without the tear of the lonely king, a ghanderflaffles' fourtieth claw, and a seed from the Zyen tree.
  9. From the darkness glows two pinpoints of light that survey the room, watching Calano and Emma as they sleep. The tiger's eyes blink dimming the glare, and he settles down for a night of watch duty.
  10. Emma looks up at the clock and yawns. It's been 48 hours already? Why did that take so long. Emma looks at Calano. "You look like you need a lot of rest." She yawns again. "I should probably get some rest as well." Emma tiredly smiles at Calano, gives him a quick peck on the check, and heads off to a bed of grass in the forest, where the animals reside.
  11. Emma's eyebrows climb up her forehead. "That was unexpected, but it did work. The threads are snapped, you are free Lark."
  12. Emma warrily eyes Lark. "What are you going to do with that paper?" Emma asks, while preparing a few traps. Just in case.
  13. Emma grins at her fiancee, Calano, and then turns back to Lark. "My parent's and Calano's parents used a sort of mixed Hrotedinger and Schluze method. Combining their ideas and methods into a new way that removes the co-axial connection to you and attaches it back to the holding artifice."
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