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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. @CalanoCorvus, here's some more insanity clinic memes
  2. "I'd say there are around 200 different kinds in the treaty." Emma hooks her arm around Calano's waist. "My dear, would you like to explain this one to Lark?" @CalanoCorvus
  3. *Puts on new imaginary hat* To your one hour and fifty six minute win.
  4. "It has twenty periodical, the normal ten and then ten extra mixed with a bit of subliminal."
  5. 514b. Or do argue if you want to attract a monster.
  6. "To put it simply, it does both. It breaks your co-axial connection and strenghten's the constructs attachment to the treaty instead of you."
  7. Anybody want to be possesed by a Shu-Dereth Demon?
  8. It was far more painful and powerful than the plain, old, boring, 'excruciating'.
  9. I have a prompt, in the form of a poem that I wrote!
  10. It was almost as excrusiating as existing from a hivemine, after never having thought at all.
  11. I think it would be a decent name TPBM is ignoring a lecture.
  12. The sand masters place on dayside? I can't remember the exact name.
  13. When you see the SET as part of an escape room and you very nearly write, "One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal will come to you. And you will be ruled by them. Worship. Worship Trell and wait."
  14. 13 hours and 21 minutes is impressive. I tip off my imaginary hat to you.
  15. "Alright, so as you know the subastral construct that attached itself to you can only be removed through legal transfer of power. So if the blood burns out, this construct will consume your sanity and then your life. Now this would be normally easy to remove, but it is protected through numerous tricks and squarders. To remove those and allow this treaty to override the other part of the treaty and remove the construct for you. This part of the treaty is the only one imbuded with this power for the next week, it will switch and plasp with other ones in order to protect it..." Many hours later. "And that is why signing this will ensure that you won't lose your sanity and die. Will you sign it now?" @Nameless
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