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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The cats leave them alone, instead peeing and pooping on their lawns, while Wizard cackles in the distance.
  2. *The cats consume Silhouette, Cellist, and Rabbit.*
  3. You are all on my law. The cats are coming for you! *Silhouette, Cellist, and Rabbit are covered in thousands of cats.
  4. "Yes we know about it, we once had a fellow named Coppernum write his name in blood over Calano's." Emma looks sorrowfully at Lark. "He went mad the second his name burned off."
  5. *Copious ammounts of catnip cover Cellist, Rabbit, and Silhouette*
  6. Duraluminum, fun with allomantic grenades. WYR be a hoed elantran or a dead eye spren?
  7. @Channelknight Fadran, do I control the new kingdom since I am the king over all my territory instead of the emperor?
  8. Welcome to the shard! Who are your favorite characters?
  9. Drowning in a sea of spheres, I feel it would go faster. WYR be a sleepless or a kandra?
  10. So I am conquered by the Ouphamenial Tribunal, but they force me to be their king?????? I guess they worship elemental power :P.
  11. Emma takes Calano's head into her hands. "It will be okay, perhaps you could ask Lark exactly what parts of the treaty he targeted?"
  12. Emma smiles fondly at Calano. "I'll check your work, make sure you didn't miss anything." Emma sits next to Calano and starts leafing through his papers. "I see you already made it to the fourth treatise, just about twenty more to go."
  13. The dog was hit by a cat This caused him to go splat The car went flat And the dog met a bat The problem was, the dog was fat And so he was stuck with the rat Jk, I loved Go dog go, right up there with king bidgoods in the bathtub.
  14. The Wrizrecan empire uses their element soldiers to lay waste to the Ouphamenial Tribunal.
  15. That's what they all said :P. And no context can be given here. I once said The cat in the hat went splat thing 1 and thing 2 didn't know what to do
  16. Emma stretches out her arms and yawns, pulling her head off the back of the alligator. Blinking the last of sleep from her eyes, Emma straighten's her dress and walks over to Calano, noting the bags under his eyes. She rests her arm on his shoulder and gently asks. "You didn't sleep did you?"
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