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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "We never would have been attract, much less treat the patients without the books."
  2. "It still would have happened, eventually, as the patients fall on your bad side and then you remove their books."
  3. I wish all people were cool, as the people on the shard are, far better in actions and in deed than many I see at school.
  4. "Hmpf, you controlled it with so strong a hand that all the patients rebelled against you, if you hadn't restricted reading, you might have not had such a great challenge to your authority." "Yes, he was taken as the next avatar of the white tiger and so it's his prefered and really only form these days. He still manages to read at an incredible speed."
  5. "Neither is removing access to reading." "He's still alive, I can feel him prowling around in the library somewhere."
  6. "With what!/? We've been around for centuries and we can only help them a little, we've tried many ethical and some unethical solutions."
  7. "We can only keep them contained here. We can't treat the disease without irrevocably changing who they are, and none have ever wanted to be treated."
  8. "Very well then, don't try to kill Calano again and I won't murder you. Why do you think it would be worse to be dead than to see us run the clinic?" Black fire coats Emma's palm.
  9. I have second hand experience of the first one, none with the second, and first hand experience with the third and fourth. First of all *hugs*, I know it might not seem like much, but remember that you are loved. Second, bullies are dumb as they don't realize that bullying someone else doesn't change their situation. Third, try to get some work done....I also have some work I need to get done after this. Fourth have a cat!
  10. "Because you wouldn't have been able to. Why won't you write the treaty over to Calano?"
  11. All that trend is all the popular people and social media, if you really get down to the grit and bones, you can learn alot from school, especially once you get into higher level classes and away from the general degredation into stupidity that people seem to be trending towards.
  12. Wizard leaves with a parting "Yup." and disappears back towards the lobby. "No, not when I was in a right state of mind. Tell me, why shouldn't I extract your soul right now?"
  13. It all depends on the people in the class and the teacher really.
  14. Wizard looks thoughtful as he answers. 'Yup yup yup yup?*" *I have heard of their kind before, there is little harm that they can do here. Thank you for answering my questions, do you want me to let Ranryu know you are looking for her?"
  15. 'Yup?*" *Aos si, is there a different name for them in the common tongue or is it untranslateable and what can you tell me of them?
  16. "Yup YUp? yUP YUP!*" *Why did you create Ranryu? She has made a bargain and I managed to stop a potion she tried to give to Emma and Calano!
  17. @Channelknight Fadran I have a question about portal traveling, could you attack someone else if you could create a portal large enough to transport your entire army or summon a army from another plane using it?
  18. "Calano dear, there is no way to get the clinic rules back from him, but I have rule over this dimension....through my possession by the Nethergrim." "He's dead, but he came back as the spirit of the white tiger guardian and didn't tell me." Emma snaps her fingers and twenty tons of molten rock falls ontop of the white tiger guardian. Inside the guardian Wizard grins and continues to search for the mind of Grandpa Yupper, locating him on the 500th floor and he teleports out, heading towards Grandpa Yupper. @Ranryu
  19. Emma looks at Silhouette, the beam of darkness hovering above Lark's chest. "I remember you, you were one of Wizard's friends who came to help save me correct?"
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