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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. You never had access to such tools. Besides you are the one misunderstanding the treaty, it is a LITERAL treaty with the soulless so that we can be safe in this dimension.
  2. That was really fun. I definitely got more involved at the end. Stick you had me confused and then you saved your team through a madly brilliant plan. Thanks to the GM and IM for running the game.
  3. The white tiger does the one thing he can and mutters a few last words, as Thaidakar is finally vaporized, Wizard's tail falls off and he limps away to heal, still keeping in mental contact with Lark.
  4. It's all in your brain, the real treaty was never in words. The tiger's shoulders shrug and muttering a few words unravels Thaidakar, using the emergency failsafe taught to him by his father.
  5. The white tiger's tail grabs Thaidakar's throat, starts glowing with holy white power and begins squeezing the life from Thaidakar, while burning the blackness from his soul.
  6. Does he mean the nethergrim or some other being. This puzzle will need thinking on, perhaps the previous tigers will know. The tiger's gaze penetrates through Lark's eyes into his mind. I know what you have done.
  7. A tail smashes through the floor and smacks Thaidakar into unconciousness. "I thought you would have learned you lesson by now." Growls the white tiger. In Calano's mindscape Wizard disappears with a determined look on his face.
  8. Emma smiles and tears trickle down her face. "Wizard conspired with Bookwyrm to restore our connection. And then Wizard shocked me by revealing that he was still alive, and that sent me here and he followed." Emma looks at Wizard asleep on the floor. "It almost makes me want to not dangle him by his ankles above the void. So you want to go reclaim your body now?"
  9. Emma punches him in his left then right shoulder and then catches him in her arms and kisses him.
  10. First session is now over! My brother's needs become mine and my needs become my brother's hit me the hardest out off all what I heard today. Do any of you all have anything you really liked about conference, that you want to share?
  11. Rabbit's remains Have been slain. *Steals the win with Color*
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