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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Granted. You are now addicted to sniffing trees, it is an irresistable urge, each time you see a new tree you HAVE to sniff it. I wish to have more active cats and energetic cats.
  2. Forgot the question. Right. Have you ever just stared off into space and missed a chunk of class?
  3. Last one for now @That1Cellist @Rabbit Unmade Nevermind found a second one
  4. YES! YES! YES! Do you ever get extremely excited about something?
  5. "But foxesss far cuter than that one are eaten every year." Reputes the Eizard.
  6. Emma plants her foot on Wizard's behind, puffs up her chest. "I have conquered this foul beast for your dinner tonight." Emma removes her foot from Wizard's posterior and her expression turns serious. "Whose birthday did I do that on?"
  7. Wizard crumples and falls to the ground wheezing, Emma's fist burried in his gut. "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!"
  8. "You're different than me. 'Fraid I've got to go." The white tiger gets up and runs towards Emma, stalking her. That wasn't a good idea, you are probably going to get more volcanoes dropped on you than she-I dropped on me. This link is interferring with my thoughts. The white tiger's tail smacks Emma in the face and his tail caresses Emma's face. This is not the end. Emma shrieks and falls unconcious. The white tiger catches Emma and pulls her towards the center of the top and curls up next to her, entering the shared mindspace, following Emma as she falls along the link, towards Calano. "Hello there Calano." Says Wizard as he lands inside the house.
  9. Emma recalls Nameless's words and they feel hollow, laughable, an excuse to kill the chickens. It would be better if I just fell off and did nothing. No one is left who truely knows me. That thing is an abomination to Calano's memory, his memory is gone, my memories are corrupted, and all shall be dust in time, except me, always me left, Left to pick up the pieces To drown in sorrow I can not have peace There is never a tomorrow.
  10. Thank you for the kind words . I always like promts, even though I still have one to do. No sleep tonight!
  11. I'll sign up as Jimmie Hesler, a journalist who ends up writing about cats instead of important events. @TheHalcyonGirl, you wanted to join one of these right?
  12. Emma's eyes close and the memory floods her mind. Tears trickle down her face. Why should I care, nothing I do ever helps, it only withers.
  13. Emma freezes. It's all true then. Emma teleports away to the top of the clinic and sits on the edge.
  14. Sometimes. My brain likes to think about random things and tries to figure them out. Do you know why people don't think sometimes?
  15. @CalanoCorvus Here's some poetry I wrote in english today, focusing on the clinic Jump and swallow the sting of death So that they might live And have daily breath Fall into the dive Into the void I am alone I wait for her who calls me To be the cornerstone To resist the urge to flee Oh how we’ve grown We pick up the pieces, the debris From the land comes a groan And a cackle of glee A tree falls prone The tree says “Be free” The babble of voices becomes a drone The bird disagrees with the tree Then blows in the cyclone They are blown to Tennessee The silence makes a decree And I am alone In the unknown Grief seeks to overwhelm My mind betrays it’s own I am in another realm I should have known That I was at the helm They have been thrown Away from this realm And now she is alone The voices condemn And she bemoans She trusted in them For now she owns This lowly realm The unknowns Seek to disown O, how she has grown To stand alone And to claim her throne
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