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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. That captures his stormy expression perfectly! This is amazing!
  2. You have school at 9 and seminary at 7? That must be nice, we to get ready and eat some food in 30 mintues, drive to seminary 20-25 minutes, seminary from 6-6:50 and then drive to school 20 minutes.
  3. How early do you have to get up? I have to get up at 5:00 AM Oh yeah, do you know the pig's ears that owners sometimes give to their dogs? Well I got one for free from a field trip and I gave it to my cat.
  4. I do love dogs, I just like cats and reptiles more, specifically large cats. Do you have early morning seminary?
  5. Mercury SNAKE! I love snakes, in my animal biology class we have a ball python. Reptiles are the best, tied with cats.
  6. Do you know the true name of quicksilver? Do you own any pets?
  7. The white tiger snarls and Ranryu is transported out of the astral realm onto the top of the clinic, the white tiger standing, staring at her. A mind presses against her's. What are you? That song has more power than you know.
  8. Very well, you won't see me but I will see you, good luck in the volcanic temple. As the tiger's words drift away TAAron and Haly find themselves in the middle of a giant, uneven square of volcanic rock. Porous holes allow lava to bubble up through the rock and burst into geysers. The massive rock floats on a stream of lava, constantly moving down the stream. Haly and TAAron teleported to opposite sides. 5 4 3 2 1 GO!
  9. A glowing white tiger bursts into the room. I hear you need a referee. I have milenia of experience, anything is permitted but must be stopped before it kills or it will be stopped by force. Now do you want the normal training arena or the astral realm?
  10. Wizard becomes silent Where did you learn that song? Wizard begins muttering and ranting in a alien language. Emma notices that Thaidakar has gone and goes to say hello to the new person in the clinic, the person with gray skin, purple stained hands, and- CALANO?!!! But he looks like he does in my memories. Emma screams, calms herself down and glides over to Calano. "Why do you look like that Calano?"
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