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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Indubitably If there are rock ahead, we'll all be dead
  2. Emma closes her eyes and smiles Soon it will all be over. A memory of old, uncorrected returns. @CalanoCorvus
  3. Granted, it is in time skips. Your bane is that you have to drink hydro cloric acid instead of water. I wish to be able to fully function while asleep.
  4. @Shining Silhouette, you still want to join, make a country with a name, primary resource, it's location and some extra worldbuilding, just for fun as it won't get put into the A.I.
  5. Shisi breaks out of his cocoon. "Praise the Mighty One, The Great Deliverer, At least Once a Yar!"
  6. Took you long enough, Emma can be more easily helped than Calano. The voice seems to rethink this. Easier in relativity that Emma is in immediate danger from the chickens, she will need other help, but that can come later. The voice hesitates Just don't tell her that I was the one who told you or talked to you in your mind. It's for the best if you don't.
  7. The memory ends and Emma screams. It was only a dream, only a dream. But when she looks, all her memories have been changed. Her Calano replaced with his dead eyed corpse. Why....why do I care anymore, he's dead and soon I will join him. If only I could convince Nameless to kill me, then it would be over, finally over. No more pain, nor regret that I-- Emma stops mid-thought. But he wouldn't want me to die, yet I wish to join him....dying is the only way, there is nothing left for me in this life, nor will there ever be again. It isn't your only lead. Emma would kill me if I didn't tell you, but someone else got to me, and Emma hardly seems to care about life anymore.
  8. Wizard grins "I knew that trick would get you." Emma's body moves without her volition, playing out her part in this scene, forcing her eyes open, to kiss a corspe.
  9. *Rumbling in the background* THESE WORDS ARE ACCEPTED! Welcome to the shard! Which knight radiant order is your favorite?
  10. Sorry about that Archer....we were confused by the darkness of paranoia, uncertainty and confusion. Turtle first next round, right?
  11. I can't reread it really anymore, because of how many times I have read the books, the plotline and character development is emblazoned in my brain.
  12. "Use them to solve the puzzle, we have the key, but not a keyhole to put it in." Shisi creates a cocoon of poisonous threads around himself as he waits and heals.
  13. No he's not sure it's safe, but after W-Calano's death, things became unstable, if Emma were here she could fix it. The voice sounds wistfull. She could alwasy fix anything. In a cage of light Emma tries to die, fails, and tries again. What sort of twisted prison won't let their own prisoners kill themselves. Emma freezes amid her third attempt as a memory rushes to her mind. Emma's eyes squeeze shut, she doesn't want to see, to remember, to feel that painful ripping sensation again. The memory invades her mind anyways. Emma lies in wait, waiting for Calano to come find her, she hears yelling as Calano finds Wizard and she grins. I always knew how to hide better than both of them. She freezes as she hears sound go into the room next door. A finger touches her shoulder from behind. @CalanoCorvus
  14. Who isn't saying happy birthday to this amazing person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY C3LLIST!

  15. Shisi unraveled the first spell of teleportation and started unraveling the other spells.
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