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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Nice, I bet you could find a really cool silhouette for halloween as it's coming up, and so are the terrifying profile pictures. 9.8/10
  2. Once again DOVIE'ANDI SE TOVYA SAIGAN! Archer TUN @Shining Silhouette and @Matrim's Dice. Are you going to switch votes?
  3. The Shisi, pulls off one of his scales and he taps it, activating it, and throws it in the mouth of the beast.
  4. We can switch to Turtle, but that's it for other options, unless someone else joins the thread Nevermind, ninja'd by stick, we have the numbers to switch now.
  5. *Hugs* I'm sorry, I've never lost a pet that was close to me before, but we almost lost one of our cats a couple years ago and it was terrifying. We are all hear to talk if you need to.
  6. I'm with you, just don't know if we will have enough votes in time, I would actually rather go after Archer, but I don't know.
  7. It's good, just not for everyone....don't kill me mat Matrim Cauthon is a person in the series who says phrases in the old tongue, like Dovie'andi se tovya saigan (It's time to roll the dice)
  8. He can protect himself, even if he doesn't know it. You can not know how much it pains me to say this, but find his own way he must.
  9. His path is his own, and his judgement. He will find his own way, he did always find the right path in the end.
  10. The voice from the astral plane speaks in his head. You will not find the answers you seek there lad.
  11. *Falls asleep while editing paper due tonight and drools on the win*
  12. I felt the raw emotion and power, thank you. This is going to help me write better.
  13. Yes TPBM is not quite sure what they are supposed to do after highschool
  14. "Everyone." Emma becomes unresponsive, completely ignoring any proding by Nameless, staring sightlessly forward.
  15. Emma's hollow eyes meet Nameless's eyes. "They're all dead." The white tiger appears. You do you will, hmmm?
  16. The white tiger's mouth closes on Bookwyrm's head and the landscape goes white. A pure note rides in Bookwyrm's consciousness and a voice speaks Hello There.
  17. The probe runs into a solid wall and all of Bookwyrm's powers vanish. The white tiger pounces again, snarling.
  18. The Wrizrecan empire utilizes their eldritch knowledge gained from the hive mind and experiements more with in on the Wrizecan-Ouphamenial border.
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