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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma awakes to the ripping of her soul in twain, no darkness to hide in, just a room full of light and mocking voices. Emma closes her eyes and is assulted A boy with a shock of black hair pokes his head into the darkness and extends his hand. Light bathes his face as he smiles at Emma. "Hi I'm Calano. Who are you?" "I'm Emma-" The boy hurries on. "Why are you in a tree?" Emma shrinks down. '"It's where the darkness is." "That's a funny answer. Why would anyone want to hide from the light? It's beautiful up here." "The light is too bright, it's safer in here." The boy cocks his head "Not really." Emma snaps. "You don't know what it is to be burned by the light!" Emma's eyes fly open and she trembles, sweat breaks over her skin. He can't be gone, he he he lives, he MUST! LARK! HE INVITED THE CHICKENS, THE MONSTERS THAT TOOK WIZARD AND NOW MY CALANO FROM ME! Emma yanks on the chains, searing the light into her flesh. She screams, but the voices inside condemn her, again, and again, and again. Wrists blistered, throat hoarse, Emma croaks out "why?" The voices gleefully answer. "You deserved it. You never deserved them." And Emma crumples, her spirit splintering under the crushing weight of loss, despair, and hopelessness.
  2. It's probably has to do with me being a Windrunner and the fact that I can get very protective of people at times :P.
  3. I'm not diagnosed by my dad has found out that he has it and me and my siblings display certain characteristics of it at times. TPBM is feeling much better now
  4. I just think that they do as one of my cats has been sneezing a lot lately, during a massive pollen outbreak. If you can see this responds that the end in white. LONG LIVE THE CHASQUI!
  5. My youngest sister refuses to be called anything but big girl (insert name here). You're not the only one with strange younger siblings.
  6. 63337b910ec57_Screenshot2022-09-275_39_04PM.png.eb70b9625406314e71c7ffb1358698df.png

    I read the book in an hour and two minutes.


    That ending.... the book is chilling.... the ending is a cliffhanger and I can't wait for more books.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Fitz, dare I say it? Vacker.

    3. Morningtide



    4. SlugInTub


      Robin Hobb is so good, his books literally made me (a physopath) cry.

  7. Good, you have joined the dark side and now can never leave. *BWAHAHAHAHA*
  8. He appears on white ground, the sky is blue with clouds in the sky. The white tiger appears, snarling, and it charges at Bookwyrm.
  9. "You weren't aware that you existed!?" Wizard snorts in disgust. "I had thought better of you. I was wrong. You're all going to die, succumbing to yourselves." And with that Wizard disappears.
  10. "No, not the chickens. Have you seen the destruction around the clinic?"
  11. Just try not to have a busy week White text hiding in plain sight.
  12. Best of luck sir..... How hard is to to get three hours in a week?
  13. Crap, I see what you mean. Michael Vey 8: The parasite is getting terrifying.
  14. The clinic booms from the sheer force of "YUP!" as the Yuppers tackle Ranryu and welcome her home.
  15. The book is surprising me.... get past the begining and it starts to get terrifying.... I'll leave the rest for you to discover.
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