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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The Eizard's eyes rotate 360 degrees around it's head looking for danger. It's eight arms wave it's weapons menacingly.
  2. The Lady of Shadows cackles and shifts into a massive, shadowy, snake. Tearing through the halls clearing them of all lifeforms. Blood drips from her fangs and she hisses. "Hallwaysssss E through J are clear."
  3. *Dilaf's voice* "But you could be in the service of Jadeth's Holy empire!"
  4. Happy Birthday Echo! Echo! Echo! Echo!

  5. "My pleasure." The corrupted chicken knife hangs in the air before Bookwyrm and Thaidakar. Emma floats through the clinic hiding in the shadows. Her voice booms from every shadowed corner. "YOU HAVE KILLED MY TWIN, PREPARE TO DIE!" The chickens attack, but their attacks mean nothing to the Queen of the Shadows. Thousands are slaughtered as the shadows lengthen and strangle the chickens. A glowing knife flies towards the shadows and it is halted in it's path. The dagger burns black, corrupted, and the Darkness throws it into the heart of the chicken that threw it, corrupting the chicken. The corruption spreads throught the chickens and the army becomes loyal to the Queen of the Shadows.
  6. Now that the motion has been seconded, we will move to discussion and then to the vote. *BANG* The floor is now open to discussion!
  7. "It is time to pardon these filthy chickens FROM LIFE!" Emma disperses into shadows and speeds off towards the chicken army.
  8. I don't have much time right now. But Shining how is a four elim team going to let their teamate be bussed on day one without any attempt, even half hearted to save them?
  9. One of the best zelda games ever. TPBM has used the multiquote function
  10. The Eizard trumpeted in agreement and it's eight spider hands, each pulled out a different magical weapon.
  11. "Yes" Replies the Eizard in a deep Scottish brogue. You have to visually hear it.
  12. Fortunately the Eizard knew it and the Eizard was immune to negative narration.
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