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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The stranger picked Noot up by the scruff of it's neck, waved something shiny in front distracting, held up an ancient bone, smiled evilly and disappeared.
  2. My family also makes cinnamon rolls and a treat called monkey bread. Delicious.
  3. So, it's that time of year again. GENERAL CONFERENCE IS NEXT WEEK! So what do you all do for conference? My family likes to make food to snack on during conference.
  4. I am here now and I am the oldest of three siblings.
  5. "No can do. All the easily accessible books were destroyed by Ranryu. I say we go and kill the chickens and free the patients."
  6. They could hold their own against normal, non-atium burning mistborn.
  7. Emma's teeth flash. "A girl after my own heart. WHO'S READY TO GO TOPSIDE AND BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND!"
  8. Nope TPBM has caught a fly and then fed it to an animal, whether it be cat, lizard, or sibling.
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