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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma shrugs her shoulders. "Very well then, this should theoretically work. Are you ready?"
  2. "Feel that tangle, reach for it, unravel it, BECOME IT!" "I don't know, do you?"
  3. "What powers she has as she doesn't know them quite yet." "What did you sense when you were out?"
  4. I created that thread. Why does it feel like I just said "I understood that reference."
  5. The rabbit's don't appear and Emma snaps. "She asked to be tested, so let her be or I'll trap you in your mind." The cage of black lightning shifts to his position trapping him once again. Emma bares her teeth as she chuckles "That is a temporary solution only. Try again."
  6. Emma contemputously weaves fire and snatches the rabbits using a whip of fire to throw them in the containment pen. "Alright then." Sound starts to slowly disappear from Haly, sight and touch following, leeching away from her. "Focus and bring yourself back."
  7. Yeah, I most just unvoted him because he couldn't have been evil for putting in the kill. I'm gonna lean Archer.
  8. A reference only a devoted sanderfan would get. 9.8/10
  9. Emma grins and a cage of black fire forms around Bookwyrm. "Practice getting out of that."
  10. I had forgotten about that. The same reason Symph wouldn't have put in blessing action is also the same reason symph wouldn't have put the kill in. Archer.
  11. My GM PM also says that I successfully attacked JNV. That could have happened, but I'm more of the mind that Symph was evil and so Archer is. Since Symph hasn't been on the shard since THURSDAY and so couldn't have put in an action to kill JNV.
  12. "Everyone has power, the power to change. But you mean physical power. I can test you, but it's not going to be a kind test." Emma's eyes glow black and a cage of black lightning forms around Silhouette. "To have power is to make your will manifest. Figure out a way to get out of the cage."
  13. "Yeah." Emma gently removes Calano's arm from around her and she sits next to Silhouette explaining all that had befallen the clinic.
  14. Emma wakes up hearing her brother's name being called by another friend, another friend whose reality she must shatter. "He's dead. He died saving Calano, Lark has taken over the clinic and has an army of chickens."
  15. The only thing you need to know is that you NEED TO LISTEN TO THE RITE OF SPRING by Igor Stravinsky.
  16. The only good thing is getting possibly more help for standardized tests like the ACT and opportunities like being able to get some college credit, which is harder to get while homeschooled. That's about it. Homeschooling would have SOOO much better food, school lunches are terrible and they NEVER have enough food.
  17. What do you think of it? And I haven't listened to that piece.
  18. I love to just listen to The Legend of Zelda music, and I also like listening to movie soundtracks. GIVE RITE OF SPRING A TRY!
  19. You have to wait for signups for the next game to go up. So for now follow the entire SE forum and I can also let you know when a new one pops up. Read through the general rules and etiqute policy, it will help prepare you, partially for the craziness that is SE.
  20. There's an easy way. You quote the person, click on the quote in the new post, copy it and paste it into the post you're editing.
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