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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. That's a lot less complex method than I was going to do... I overthink things too much sometimes.
  2. I haven't had breakfast first, and still got some homework left to do, well just, College Chemistry, College Animal Biology, AP Calc Diff, Physics Diff, and Creative writing that I should work on.
  3. I was only homeschooled for preschool. My cousins are homeschooled, but they won't talk to us anymore, so, not much I can help. Though by going to school I can go to a local community college for a few hours, and it's so nice to get away from the highschool.
  4. Video game soundtracks are the best, Monster Hunter has a unique theme for each monster and so it's fun to hear all the different tracks.
  5. If you do any speed afterwards, it feels so slow, 150 feels like 100 or even 50.
  6. We only listened to parts of it, pretty good music though, from 1913.
  7. How do you feel about 200cc? It's Sanderson Elimination, Mafia with roleplay, basically. You can find it as a subforum under the roleplay forum, and it's quite fun, we always are looking for more people to play. Each game will have unique rules, but there is a good explanation in the forum. There will be games for the next Mid range going up within a week. Come give it a try!
  8. We listened to a song in orchestra yesterday called The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, you should give the music a try.
  9. The books are good, they go in a completely different way than the movie, and for that I love the movies. Have you ever heard of SE? Yes, the race in the cosmere Which Mario Kart?
  10. I'll eat it, but I much prefer LASAGNA! TPBM has a pillow balanced on their head, for no reason what so ever.
  11. I post in both all the time. THE WHITE TEXT SECRETLY ClAIMS THE WIN VErY LouDLY!
  12. *Cackling ensues* I SUMMON THE QUESTIONS! Do you know what monster hunter rise is? Is the khezu or gigginox uglier? Look it up. Is the bazelgeuse or deviljho stronger? Do you play an instrument? TLT or TLPW? What do you do if you see a black cat? You can only save one... Lift, Wayne, or The Lopen. Who do you save? Favorite kind of dragon? Have you read the how to train your dragon book series or watched the movies? Favorite kind of weather? Are you a sleepless? Favorite non-sanderson book series? Do you like mafia? Have you ever sneezed at a rabbit? Favorite Hoid insult? Favorite Hoid quote? Is this too many questions? Should I have numbered these? Opinion on the wheel of time? Favorite video game? Favorite board game? I'll be back with more.
  13. I loved the hornet boss fights, they were really fun, PLUS SILKSONG NEXT YEAR! *Ahem* 12/3
  14. You posted in TLT and then in TLPW, TLT's enemy as TLT is the longest thread and the last post wins was created to be longer than TLT, but TLT will NEVER FALL.
  15. I WAS RIGHT! I had considered attacking shining, but after JNV's last post my sense for them as being evil just wouldn't go away. So there you have it I've claimed, come kill me now elims :P. Most of the people that are left are either more experienced or more active. I'll be back later for a deeper analysis, got too much homework to do today.
  16. Yeah, we're playing it in class, it has some pretty good cello music for a disney piece. The basses absolutely hate it.
  17. YELLOW, I WANT THEIR EYES TO BURN! Possibly neon black, as that would break some sort of physic law. Do you have a pet that likes to sleep on your bed or in your room?
  18. Emma yawns. "You're welcome Ranryu." Emma looks at Haly. "Your testing will have to wait til tomorrow, I used more power than I expected converting the knife and I have gotten more sleep since Wizard's death, but not enough." But now that I know how, it should go much easier now. Emma goes an lies next to Calano, her back against his.
  19. "I think I can help with that." Emma snatches the knife by the hilt out of the air. The shadows in the room run towards Emma, her eyes bleed black, and breathing the shadows in she corrupts the knife. It's yellow glow changes to blackness. Emma smiles a wicked smile. "Now I have a weapon to use to annihilate the chickens." Emma dismisses the knife and it disappears, waiting to be called upon again by its mistress.
  20. Oh yeah, we did research in orchestra today, by watching a few short clips from beauty and the beast .
  21. "We're rebelling and I heard that you were rebeling, so I summoned you in an untraceable maner to where we are." Emma looks at the sleeping members of the rebellion. "Planning a counterattack will probably wait till tomorrow." Emma looks at Haly. "Though, we could test you to see what you can do, if you want."
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