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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Welcome to the shard! I hope you have a great weekend as well! Did you like Hrathen, Sarene, or Raoden the most?
  2. After this, I really should leave, I've got more homework than I'd like to get done, and some sleep to catch....eventually.
  3. Emma shrugs. "Ask Ranryu, she'll know, she's the master of cards, not I. I was only able to pick up a few tricks." Emma's eyes flicker black and a bolt of darkness passes between her fingers. "Besides, I prefer my own magic, it leaves a certain zing when I use it."
  4. You broke my five day win. I've had longer, honestly.
  5. I've been evil once, my first game and I was alone on the elim team due to BT rules. If you want explanations I will explain, I just don't always feel like explaining.
  6. You think this thing is cute? jk I know you were ninja'd. I'd have to rate Lift at a /
  7. A witch and an orange moon, an evil omen, anywhere else but on the shard! 9/0...
  8. Computer, the breakpoint or screen size for mobile is small than computer and so the screen has to be reconfigured and some things are taken out, like member titles. There is one for ranking usernames, but it's kinda dead, you could go revive it. No idea who the Xairim Warriors are, but they sound intriguing. 8/10
  9. "You were summoned, using a trick I learned from Ranryu." Emma taps her chin. "It means you must at least be part dragon, or the flute of summoning wouldn't have worked for you."
  10. I don't know what scares me more, the fact that I have no objections to this, or the fact that I don't read this a E!Illwei Edit: Meant to say don't read Illwei evil from post
  11. What would happen if you sneezed at a rabbit?
  12. I've never even heard of it happening. NHIE fallen asleep on a cat
  13. "I have a trick that I learned from Ranryu." Emma yells in an anime voice "I PLAY LORD OF DRAGON! AND I PLAY THE FLUTE OF SUMMONING. I SUMMON @Ranryu AND @TheHalcyonGirl!"
  14. Our bases would say no, but they almost always seem to rarely get good music :P. Got the best cello music of a long time this year.
  15. Emma rests her hand on Calano's shoulder. "It will be okay." As sounds drift in from the hacked system, Emma smiles.
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