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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "You admitted it was funny, in the end." Emma's claws return to normal and they retract.
  2. Emma freezes and mews. "Wizard would say to smack them harder. That or waft something to wake them up under their nose." Emma grins, revealing her teeth. "Good thing I remember a trick Wizard played on you once." Emma's claws extend, smelling ten times worse than the largest pile of cow dung. Emma wafts her claws under the unconcious person's nose.
  3. Emma sniffs the air. "I can smell who you found, Calano." Emma prowls the area around where the person is. "The person's unconcious on the ground."
  4. The Wrizrecan empire offers an alliance to the Zunotis through a marriage. The prince of Zunotis and the Emperor's first born daughter.
  5. Emma growls and her tail lashes the ground. "The best we can do right now to to gather intel. Teleport back to the clinic bookwyrm, you will have to be our mole on the inside. Get us into the surveilance system and we'll see what we can do." Emma looks at Calano with a mischevious grin. "In the meantime all Calano and I can do is wait."
  6. It's from Warbreaker. Say would you like to convert to Shu Dereth, our cult religion?
  7. So I go from a religious leader to a religious fanatic, with obtuse bone growths. Alright.
  8. Emma runs, flying along the ground, quickly catching Calano. A shadow passes over Calano as Emma takes a flying leap, landing a few feet infront of Calano.
  9. Wizblood Demise grins, rasping "So it does work, good." Wizblood Demise disappears hunting another narrator.
  10. In the forest Emma shifts into a tiger, black as night. "Do you want to get on Calano?" Growls Emma. "My legs are itching to run." @CalanoCorvus
  11. That was unexpected. I'll do a deeper analysis later when I have time to sit down and gather my thoughts, ie not in school.
  12. So they were stabbed by the sword and consumed. Wizblood Demise went on his way, reached Nameless prison, pulled out his sword, and said "Yo.'
  13. "THE LIEBRARIANS HAVE CLAIMED MY SOUL AND FREED ME FROM MY LOWLY EXISTENCE!" When you are going to give a speech in class.
  14. I know plenty of people that have, but I am thankfully not one of them. NHIE accidentally shot someone with a bow.
  15. I know that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that Calano and Morningtide are, along with most people that post here. Are you a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
  16. This didn't deter him. Wizblood Demise went to Nameless prison, pulled out his sword and said "Yo."
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