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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Don't know, I've only been ninja'd by one person in here. I have been ninja'd by atleast four, possibly five in TLT(The longest thread), you all should come join, just say anything in bold and it goes. have you ever sucessfully converted a friend to sanderson?
  2. A mechanical voice beeps "Let go of the doors or be zapped, you have 5..."
  3. DIE UNBELIEVER! *Stabs robin with a spike* [OCC: No it most definitely wouldn't]
  4. Eggplant Parmesan. How many people have you been ninja'd by at once?
  5. Homework and just a little bit of SE (Sanderson Elimination) NEVER! Favorite kind of water?
  6. Death by avalanche Probably a spider while sleeping as everyone has eaten at least one. What do you think about cows?
  7. It's so hard to resist the urge. Does anyone want to join my church?
  8. Depends on the person. If they really can't live without it, I would shatter them and try not to enjoy it but fail. If I really hated them, I would tie them up and slowly melt them into slag. Otherwise I would refuse or if I was feeling like Hoid insult them and ask why they hadn't found the nearest cliff.
  9. Nice rep level, I caught the picture(s) for you.





  10. That's a tough chocie, I would probably rather be trapped in a video game. Have you ever made homemade noodles?
  11. First of all that would have to be a big bowl of popcorn. To survive at any cost? I wouuld break the bowl and throw the shards at you. Or I would choke you on the way down...
  12. Welcome to the shard! I see you've already found the amazing community forum that we have here. I hope you stick around and have a great time. Who are you're favorite characters so far?
  13. I was tired earlier, less tired now and have more energy to think some things through There's the third option of them all being inactive and they haven't seen the recent vote count. Current VC Stick (3): Conq, Wiz, JNV Silhouette (2): Stick, Illwei Shqueeves (3): Kas, Silhouette, Mat So there are two ways I see this Option 1: The elims are happy with the way the votes are. Meaning that none of the elims are being voted on, the elims that are being voted on don't have many votes, or they are confident in masking their vote manip. This puts (Mat, TUN, Me, Conq, Symph, Kas, Turtle, JNV, and Illwei) in that group, maybe Shining. If I clear those I read village (Mat, TUN, Me, Conq, Symph, Kas, Turtle, JNV, and Illwei) Option 2: Too afraid to make any overt moves This seems to fit better for the elim team in my mind, as D1 has shown that they probably have little thread control or are new elims. So this would put (Turtle, Symph, and Shqueeves) in this group, though not certain about Turtle as they are more active now. Stick, I feel a lot less confident on her being elim, so I guess I'll jump on Shqueeves for now.
  14. Wizblood Demise stabbed him in the chest and set off to kill a narrator, he had heard of them before, from someone.
  15. Wizblood Demise threw himself and his sword at the spiritual realm, widening the crack already created.
  16. Wizblood Demise destroyed the cognitive realm and he set his sights on the final realm.
  17. Yes you did, you should have chosen the cello. It's not that hard to carry around and it can make beautiful sounds.
  18. Wizblood Demise sheaths his sword, he had hardly broken a sweat, not even having to enter his fourth phase. He wanders off to cause chaos elsewhere.
  19. Wizblood did the Ghirahim tongue thing and starts looking for another realm to destroy.
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