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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Yeah, I was going more broad with luthadel, but that works.
  2. Happy 15th century!

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Thank you! I mean, I'm... very powerful. Lynara... definitely exists.

    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


      Thank you! I mean, I'm... very powerful. Lynara... definitely exists.

      Just enemy occupied, among other things.

  3. "You'll fit right in, just head down this hallway and it should take you to the library, where most of the clients have gotten themselves lost." Burning tin reveals the inside of the tree to be spacious and there is a wooden circlet lying on the ground.
  4. And I got the technology to create portals to other dimensions, all extracted by torture from a hivemind, of course.
  5. The bark slams closed behind him and a female voice calls out Find a way to light the tree.
  6. I had already decided to remove my vote from Araris before Illwei posted. And it was 32 minutes not 2 minutes, I checked :p.
  7. In the northwest, they found Peace. Not what they were expecting, but they would take what they could get.
  8. Do you fear the Questioners? Answer these after the first one
  9. Do you fear the questioners? Do they put the fear of the light into you?
  10. Fishsticks *dies quietly in a corner* What do you like to do to annoy people?
  11. "You push this button and it lets our tardigrade friends in?" When you are in the middle of a silent exam.
  12. Why have you been accused of identity theft? I promise I only took a little bit.
  13. I don't always drink enough water, but not little enough for dehydration problems TPBM knows one end of a worm from the other.
  14. There are millions of books, I'm never going to read them all NHIE accused someone of taking the last cookie
  15. Tell only the truth When riding a unicycle and juggling.
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