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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. That knew about it? I think so. I started the Blackthorn key yesterday and it's pretty good so far.
  2. Hoid devoured 798 tasty souls for Thursday lunch. However, Hoid, who had formerly formulated a terrifying plan to eventually become Adonalsium, decided to devour pine-oranges v2.0 of pineapples; this made Hoid a supremely painful deity of waffles, chortles, and power; Fortunately, Jasnah decided to marry Hoid, instead of telling Kelsier YES to an awkward arrangement of marriage, immediately causing a large explosion of infused quantum gemstone kittens from the INFERNALTALISMAN DEPTHS!
  3. Emma smiles at Calano and she sinks through the ground taking Calano with her.
  4. Emma pulls her intertwined legs against Calano's sending him thuding to the ground. Emma leans over Calano, sword digging into his neck. "You were saying?"
  5. The flames vibrate and the sword switches into a shortsword and a dagger. Emma forms an X with the two and the dagger jabs forward poking lightly at Calano. Emma grins "You almost got me that time."
  6. Welcome to the shard! Glad you're more active now I believe we were asked by the Mods not to offer people cookies in introductions
  7. Welcome! Favorite cosmere book?
  8. His new family... I got confused. I think he would have killed Eof's family, from the backwards narration, to unleash himself, as that is the event that kind of start this reaction, yes? "The pineapple flipped every aspect of me, including my gender. It's why I seek light instead of stalking darkness."
  9. I was talking about why Foe kidnapped Esmerelda and most of his family... Foe would have killed his family to unleash himself, as unless Eof set out on this path, Foe would have never appeared.
  10. I'm gonna turn in for now and I'll let the votes lay where they will. I'll roll the dice another day.
  11. My brain currently says sadistic pleasure, that's why he took Esmerelda captive and as his wife. Least that's where my brain wants to go with it. *shrug*
  12. I don't really like my vote on Araris, but I don't feel too confident on putting it on someone now. Back to Ag bio homework I go
  13. Hello there! What's your favorite book series?
  14. Emma flys away and waits for Calano to come to her. He really has improved, lets see if he can keep pace with this.
  15. Nameless refused to be held back by the backwards curse, resolving to do a narration of at least three paragraphs despite it. Long ago, in the days when, Luxsprites still walked the earth and no Narrators had ever seen the sun, Eof was born. Native to the ancient city of Blackout He was a strange child, with a gaze that seemed to see far too much for one of his age. He also seemed to have a knack for gambling, and these two traits combined to make him very unpopular as he grew into adulthood. This all changed one fateful day when Eof ran from his home, crying warnings of death and chaos approaching swiftly. At first the people of Blackout laughed, but this laughter quickly stopped when a dragon attacked the city later that afternoon. Fortunately for the town, Eof and a small band of those who had believed him were able to kill the dragon through trickery, saving the great metropolis and earning Eof fame and adulation.
  16. Welcome to the shard? Do you have some favorite characters from brandon's works?
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