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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Emma's sword barely deflects Calano's. It's been some time since I've last fought with a sword. And he's been practicing, preparing. Emma grins. He thinks he can beat me. He'll have a better chance than before.
  2. Emma's staff disappears and she summons a sword of dark fire. She shoots towards Calano swinging.
  3. Emma deflects his staff, ever so slightly to the left and he falls through the illusory floor into the pit.
  4. Emma resummons her staff, summons a barricade around Bookwyrm, and starts spinning her staff inhumanly fast, sending the feathers flying back at Calano.
  5. The top of Ranryu's head is thumped by the hard end of a wooden dueling cane.
  6. It was a thoughless action on my part. I was up later than I should and thought at the time it would be a reasonable idea to follow the thread, but not post until the morning. Cause I don't really know what to start with. I'm rather bad at talking to people, mainly entering conversations if I don't have any thoughts on the topic, so I often just don't say anything.
  7. When the waves crosses the field Emma is hit by the wave, but she doesn't reappear.
  8. The staff disappears and Emma pulls the fire off of her and channels it into a whip. It crackles through the air, speeding towards Ranryu.
  9. He was promptly taken over by the corrupted swamp and the black metal sphere abomination.
  10. Emma grinned. Now we're getting somewhere. Emma floats in the air about 100 feet away from the giant Kaladin. She waves her arms in a circle and the ground turns to a massive sinkhole under Kaladin's feet.
  11. Emma teleported behind Ranryu, using her staff, then she smacked Ranryu off her dragon
  12. Emma slams her staff into the ground sending a wave of stone bursting up from the ground. Emma then charges at Ranryu (the dragon) staff swinging.
  13. Emma points her staff at Calano. "You're next. I claim the next fight with you."
  14. "Very well." Emma summons a staff that leaks blackness and teleports to the training area.
  15. I kinda want to know the implications of this in world, but at the same time I don't.
  16. I think Araris is the best place to park my vote for now. Though I honestly feel neutral about most votes that have been made for now.
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