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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Wizard pulls out a black metal sphere. "This should keep it occupied for a while." He drops the sphere.
  2. "All the chickens that came from the scourage are dead now. I saw to that." Emma looks thoughtful. "You could try it out in the training room. We keep some real monsters chained up there."
  3. Here's my turn in advance The Wrizrecan Empire raids the Kingdom of Zunotis taking their builders and scientists captive.
  4. Emma shrugs. "The clinic has been destroyed before, just don't destroy the pocket dimension, and you'll be fine."
  5. "He'll have to survive the scourage on his own. He has some time before it will target him." Emma pulls Calano up. "Come on." Emma smiles mischievously at Calano. "Lets take a walk and see how some of the patients are doing."
  6. Emma wraps her arms around Calano and holds him. "It's not your fault, it wasn't my fault." Whispers Emma. "I relive that moment again and again. There was nothing we could have done differently. He sacrificed himself for our happiness. You know why he did it. It hurts and it always will, but don't let his sacrific be in vain."
  7. Siphon the life energy of your friend and still die When seeing the sun rise
  8. Wonder why anyone would want to put a thing on a deck of cards What would you do if you found a Dutch bunny in your pocket?
  9. Not for another 30 minutes TPBM has done a puzzle instead of something else, like dancing
  10. "THE DARKE SHALL OVER TAKE ALL.ALL EKAT REVO LLAHS EKRAD ETH. What do you think of my evil plan?nalp live ym fo kniht uoy od tahW" Hehehehe. That was fun.
  11. Glad I haven't had to do that yet....there's still time NHIE been hot in a classroom
  12. It was 11 last night and I really should have been asleep I had to go get ready to leave and didn't have much time. I tend to check in on Sundays but not post.
  13. Hello there. *happy grub noises* Who are your favorite characters?
  14. Emma rubbed Calano's back, just being there, as he had been there for her. A package that Ranryu had ordered had arrived. It was full of cards.
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