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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "I don't know., but we will return from our exile." Emma turns to Lark. "Do you have any other questions."
  2. Hoid devoured 798 tasty souls for Thursday lunch. However, Hoid, who had formerly formulated a terrifying plan to eventually become Adonalsium, decided to devour pine-oranges v2.0 of pineapples; this made Hoid a supremely painful deity of waffles, chortles, and power; Fortunately, Jasnah decided to marry Hoid, instead of telling Kelsier YES to an awkward arrangement of marriage, immediately causing a large explosion of infused metal kittens.
  3. Emma rests her head on his shoulder. "I know, I lived through them too. But all this was a long, long time ago." Emma pulls out a detector. "Still not safe to leave." She sighs. "Probably won't ever be able to leave this dimension."
  4. Lightseeker whispers some words and a bronze clad statue appears. "Would this work?"
  5. Welcome to the shard! Favorite magic system?
  6. Emma moves the dot to another point in the line, just a few years later. They appear in a log cabin house, surrounded by mountains. Suddenly Emma's father appears in the entrance, bleeding from several small scratches. Emma's mother rushes to his side and lays her hands on him, healing the scratches. "They must go." Says her father. "They're not ready yet." Replies her mother. "They must go. There is no other choice." Emma and Wizard watch through the cracked door. Their mother senses them and closes the door. The vision ends "I never learned where my father had just come from."
  7. Why of course I will my dear man. Once you learn a thing or two. Like how to count to two.
  8. Woke up around 4-4:30 and then slept til 5. Do you have random thoughts that enter your head?
  9. Emma moves the bead ahead a couple centuries and the scene changes. The room is dark and only lit by a candle. Emma and Calano's fathers are both hunched over the pen looking contraption, now plaited with lapis lazuli strips.
  10. "With our combined memories we can find out what they were working on and why." Emma's timeline moves closer to Calano's almost touching.
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