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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Hoid devoured 798 tasty souls for Thursday lunch. However, Hoid, who had formerly formulated a terrifying plan to eventually become Adonalsium, decided to devour Nightblood v2.0 of pineapples; this made Hoid a supremely painful deity of waffles, chortles, and power; Fortunately, Jasnah decided to marry Hoid, instead of telling Kelsier YES!
  2. Emma looks up at the statue and lets out a strangled squak as she sees the white tiger return to its statue form.
  3. I see what you did. Devo and Kas, those two left alive will eventually find the elim team, or murder the village, one of the two.
  4. Welcome to the shard! Have you read any more of his work other than tWoK?
  5. Emma still a giant raven comes and lands near Calano, enveloping him with her wings.
  6. Page 7: They have an argument over characters, a book is thrown and obliterated by Tani. People have various reactions to the destroyed book and some more people come to the clinic. Morningtide has spiked cookies, but they are eaten by Jimmie thunder and replaced with non-spiked cookies.
  7. Can you taste anything? I can differentiate between sweet, sour, and spicy, but that's about it.
  8. Yes, but with sentient life beneath there should be some sort of discernable light." Wizard strokes his beard in thought. "Though they could have ways to hide their light."
  9. Grows menacingly. What are your favorite characters?
  10. I do like artemis and holly. But I also like Butler, Mulch, and Foaly
  11. Page 4: They have a conversation about whether brandonfandomitis is actually a problem, the thread gets moved, and more investiture shenanigans.
  12. "We're surrounded by trees and stuff Eof owns, which you can't use as a body, right Nameless?"
  13. "A fake mindscreen projects some decoy thoughts as a decoy for an entity that can read your mind, thus protecting you and giving you an advantage. But I digress. Wizard says to meet him at the foot of the northern most mountain."
  14. YOU ARE LIKE ALLURA AND THE GALRA. With that cryptic message the white tiger disappears and Nameless's road is unbarred.
  15. Do we want to start a new story so we can go and read all of the old posts?
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