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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Go to the library to find a fictional book When writing a book
  2. I have changed it a few times. NHIE been on the shard in class.
  3. I would take it out and stare at it for days, deciding how to prank someone else into drinking it. What would you do if you found a police siren in your pocket?
  4. At the edge of a cliff. "Can you take one more step back?" When playing SE
  5. Granted! You now have to deal with the shenanigans of the new players. You're bane is that you are red/green color blind. I wish to have a bayard that can do what the bayards of the paladin's of voltron can do.
  6. Hoid devoured 798 tasty souls for Thursday lunch. However, Hoid, who had formerly formulated a terrifying plan to eventually become Adonalsium, decided to devour Nightblood v2.0 of pineapples; this made Hoid a supremely painful deity of waffles, chortles, and power; Fortunately, Jasnah decided to marry Hoid, instead of Kelsier.
  7. KALADIN ALL THE WAY. Though I would like to meet the other two. Would you rather have amazing cosmere movies, but never get any more books OR get amazing books, but a horrible movie adaptation.
  8. Fictional: DRAGON! Non-fictional: Tiger or really any big cat Strangest food you've ever eaten?
  9. I point the barrel end away from me, right? NOOOOOOOOOO DON'T FEED THE CAT THAT!
  10. Welcome to the shard! Any other favorite characters besides Hoid?
  11. Give the fishies some of your air. When staying up late.
  12. I would learn from it and keep it forever. What would you do if you found a dragon cat in your pocket?
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