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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. A roar blasts through the clinic and Wizard's spirit appears inside the tiger guardian. Roaring Wizard and Emma fuse their guardians together, forming the deadly tiger wyrm. The guardian rushes through the ground, destroying the ground under the chickens and decimating the whole army in seconds.
  2. TLT is better. You can't hide things with white text there.
  3. This will be fun. *Steals the win and makes an inevitable joke.*
  4. The army fails to follow the group as they head underground, leaving Calano behind. Emma weeps as they leave, the last words Calano had said to her through their link as guardians, running on repeat. Shakily she says "We're almost there." And soon I'll be back for you Calano, I swear it.
  5. The seals were blasted into oblivion by the Wyrm Guardian and Calano and Nameless were depositied into the Guardian, which tunnels away at high speed. "To answer your question, I can add another element to the core, but only I can as the guardian of the wyrm guardian." Emma closes her eyes. "She says well be at our destination in a few hours, best to eat and rest for now."
  6. The One Power was repelled from the core. "The guardian runs on an energy more powerful than the One Power and I wouldn't try that again. The result could be... catastrophic."
  7. Emma speaks "The clinic was build around five guardians. We brought them here long ago and now we need all five to defeat the chickens. Hurry and get in, Calano and Nameless!"
  8. They could only tell the tale of what went on inside. The silence creeped Butt out.
  9. The beam anihilates the chickens and their mechs. Emma's voice booms from the Guardian. "Do you have a fifth person? We need five people, one to control each guardian and then we can fix this mess."
  10. The stone beast's eyes glow and it roars, burrowing through to the surface of the clinic, appearing behind Calano and Nameless. A beam of light starts building in it's mouth.
  11. Read it and tremble. What would you do if you found a small pill with instructions in your pocket?
  12. It's easier to steal the win this way. Why do you spell it colour?
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