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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. The universe sent them a message. "Avoid the peace narrators and find the sacred banana."
  2. Deicde that now is a good time to go to study hall. When doing a chemistry experiment
  3. Emma's eyebrows raise. "No wars were ever declared based on flawed reasoning? No country has ever annexed another when they shouldn't have?"
  4. "I thought you wanted to punch me for other reasons...Nevermind! I am here for the Queste."
  5. "You just did. It allowed you to exercise you concept of morality and it did glorify rebellion, to a unrealistic degree. You can learn an expand concepts of morality by reading books that challenge your assumptions."
  6. Wizard catches his fist. "If you wish to stay hidden, I'd suggest you don't attack one who can reveal you to the peace narrators."
  7. "Proving a point. If you had never read those books you never would have been able to reason whether it was good or not to kill the lord ruler."
  8. "By first condeming the world to destruction." Emma conceeds the second point. "They really couldn't have known the consequences, but they should have at least thought about some sort of protection for the skaa. Armies just marched up and many more died than died before."
  9. Emma thinks a little bit. "Here's a better question. Was killing the Lord Ruler morally wrong?"
  10. Welcome to the shard! I think that it was why more perfect gems were lost, as those that could help make/shape them were lost.
  11. "Would killing the child still be wrong if it was destined for irrevocable evil, and it's destiny couldn't be changed?"
  12. "And so does all knowledge that is why we re-read books over and over." "What is better a man doing something right for the wrong reasons or something wrong for right reasons?"
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