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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "We have the same power. It comes from a source outside of us, and is subject to their whims."
  2. Create the tallest stack of books ever, tie the liebrarian to the top and watch as you set it on fire. When you are giving detailed instructions for how to make it through a maze.
  3. "Yes we share a body, it's something that would only work with twins." The dragon's eyes turn pure black. "Wizard's sleeping now. The nethergrim is stuck with my body, but it's power isn't. And it's finally untainted."
  4. "I think I'll stay a dragon for now, figuring out timeshares is going to be chaotic." Replies the dragon. @CalanoCorvus @Shining Silhouette @The Bookwyrm @That1Cellist
  5. The dragon stands there looking bemused. "Did you think that was going to do anything?" Asks Wizard. "It snapped my tie to my mortal body." Responds Emma.
  6. "Kind of." Eminates Emma's voice from the dragon. "And also not." Eminates Wizard's voice from the dragon.
  7. And now all denizens of TLT knew they were being watched by at least one higher being, one almost immune to narration.
  8. I had a sanderson twist of mind. You can interpret it as you will. Thank you for enjoying something I have written!
  9. Just the second most unexpected thing that had happened to that author that day.
  10. And very suprised that someone in TLT had actually seen a person pulling the strings.
  11. A shuddering breath runs through the dragon and shakes the air. As their eyes flick open, one is pure black, the other pure white.
  12. I would use them and get lost for forever in the library. What would you do if you found the two-faced ring in your pocket?
  13. "I always loved talking to my invisible text friend!" When you are doing a lab.
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