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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. I was born in the U.S.A. Not done that, though if I had a snake on my wrist I might be tempted to chase after someone. TPBM shines light into other peoples lives.
  2. I held a ball python in a class today, it liked my right wrist and coiled around it. Never been there.
  3. You've never been attacked by one then. But do you think it could be this?
  4. I think the flaming espinas could beat your monster thaidakar.
  5. It's already been paid for, he was Uncle Brandy's servant for many years. Kaladin Stormblessed showed up to help Uncle Brandy with his depression.
  6. Yup, never done that Never have I ever accidentally typed in monochrome
  7. "I'm sorry to turn you down Nin, but I need weapons of real power. Such as a spear used by the lord ruler, kaladin stormblessed, and kelsier."
  8. Let me get this straight. YOU THREW THE RING INTO THE VOLCANO! It was only a tiny fart.
  9. Their effiecency had decreased with the lack of narrators and the megaphone was dismantled.
  10. Uncle Brandy had forseen attempts against him in his watching of MLP and had setup a very effective task force to stop them.
  11. Granted. You can now see on another plane and experience all the horrors that lie there. I wish to not be a ham sandwich.
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