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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Proceed to insult them in a way that would make Wit proud. When you set down a book.
  2. I did just learn the thumb position a few days ago, and they are easier that way, just not used to going that high yet.
  3. I don't take private lessons. Does anyone else dislike three octave scales, on a stringed instrument?
  4. Are you ready of the flight of my pillow? "My name is Inigo Montoya! YOU HAVE kilLED MY FATHER PREPARe To DIE!"
  5. Being with my grandpa that died. Break the law of chastity. What is the best instrument?
  6. *Robot voice* Granted, you're head is always 180 degrees away from the direction your body is facing. I wish for a scroll of knowledge.
  7. Wonder why there was an extra pocket in my pocket. What would you do if you found the codex to a forgotten language in your pocket?
  8. I think it was what do you think about ghanderflaffles.
  9. Proof: No one else would have enough knowledge to be as sarcastic as him Theory: Adolin is going to be Odium's champion
  10. Wizard's eyes blaze with an emarld green flame. "INTO THE UNKNOWN WE GO! Wait did he already go in? FOLLOW NAMELESS TO OUR MOST LIKELY DEATHS!" Wizard jumps in after Nameless.
  11. "Somewhat." Replies Darkstalker as he dodges the massive pineapples from the sky. He catches one with animus magic and begins to eat it.
  12. They were delicious pineapple, that rain only once every few millennia. Grown off the coast of an island called Havanor.
  13. "Yes and I was a rather evil dragon for a while." Replies Darkstalker to the voice in the corner.
  14. Here's a new one, laying in the sun with your cat/dog/rabbit/other pet.
  15. "There was a voice in my head." Shuddering Darkstalker explains Tiamat to Rym and the concept of race gods and their powers. "They have power over those of the same species, I could have ignored it, but it keep replaying my past, over, and over, and over again."
  16. Come back! You can say something completely random and I'll go with it.
  17. That made me laugh! Have an upvote! I'll make one of you tomorrow.
  18. Granted! You get a very deadly plant! I wish to always have food prepared to eat, like lasagna.
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