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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Yes. TPBM gets excited when they see different colorations they don't normally see in birds.
  2. The house starts jolting downward as it slows to a stop on a very far away unknown mountain top.
  3. Meanwhile his house flies on the wind being pulled from side to side, up and down, falling for meters and meters, only just flying back up before hitting the ground.
  4. You are a wonderful person @Shining Silhouette! And you have a talent for piano, beyond the skill of any I have ever heard before.
  5. Granted, since it is so powerful an artifact you are constantly falling upward and right after you die, you come back to the ground to start again. I wish to have a tame bazelgeuse that I have a bond with.
  6. I have a new idea. Everyone that wants my will will have to enter a pod, one per person, that suspends their life and who ever lasts the longest will be the successor to my will.
  7. No you are not being too aggressive. Do questions seem similar to the game of Daes Dae'mar?
  8. Yeah, that was my answer, but it had been so long that I couldn't remember at first. It's your turn if you want it.
  9. Save Moash, I could never kill Kaladin. Insult Wit or Kelsier?
  10. Be disgusted and curious at the same time. What would you do if you found a canister of magical milk in your pocket?
  11. Yes, those days I just need someone to talk too. It doesn't really happen during the school year, which is nice. Have the days started going faster for you?
  12. Never done that NHIE let rip a rather stinky silent but deadly
  13. Which happened to turn them into giant monster kittens with ten times the cuteness. - @Nameless
  14. How does one dislodge a cello from a nose? There is only one thing to do. HYAH!
  15. A ghanderflaffle is a creature that was never properly defined in TLT, though most assume it is scaly and they germinate by exploding, and when they die, they explode.
  16. I'm going to keep on jabbering during the whole run and never stop! When you are being shoved out of a building
  17. Yes, I have been in the rain before seven, nice rainshower before seminary TPBM prefers mobile over desktop for the shard.
  18. Bombing wyvern that drops explosive scales. Frog in a hat, though no facepalm 8/9.5
  19. Yes I only asked my brother and a friend. My friend said it was gandalf's brother TPBM is somewhere far away in their mind.
  20. I've been in school for six days now. TPBM is interested in D&D
  21. Yes TPBM likes asking their friends/family members what they think a Ghanderflaffle is.
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