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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Darkstalker was hungry after eating the horse and thought that the man would make a nice snack.
  2. Cold and lightning seep in from the back door and the thud of meteors sounds against the door.
  3. Nothing, but they end up being the butt of many jokes in orchestra are targeted at viola's who seem to love the attention.
  4. Welcome to the shard! I have played both versions of call to adventure and I have enjoyed playing both of them. Favorite cosmere characters?
  5. Darkstalker unleashed Noot and his entire race on the cookies, it was a feast.
  6. The other door crackles with lightning and large booms eminate from the other side.
  7. You are in the orchestra room, a room full of chairs and stands make a dexterity check if you wish to escape over the stands.
  8. Wizard comes back with the snakes and shows them the hamsters. Wizard looks worried. "Only the reptiles haven't been corrupted, at least fully. We must hurry, the snakes and crocodiles will help us cross."
  9. It did. I learned the basics of D&D and made a basic character. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to do more when I can. Probably when I can convince a group of friends to let me DM an adventure for them.
  10. You, being @CalanoCorvus, are surround by three angry cellists, what do you do?
  11. "I'll make sure the snakes aren't barring our path." Wizard calls from ahead.
  12. I got an F in all my english classes. When you are taking a quiz.
  13. It depends on how I mimic them. TPBM just realized this is the 150th page.
  14. I must third this opinion, though we do enjoy joking in class, mostly about viola's if I'm being honest.
  15. Noot was still protected from the Quarkbeast as animus magic is not so erasable as narration.
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