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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "Beware sister...beware." At that moment Emma walked into the room with Elan jr. at her heels. "Zira's leaving so soon? Well I suppose it's time I had a talk with her." Medea shrunk back at her words and waited to slither towards Elan jr. until she was gone. "Ssso sshall we begin now?" @Ookla the Prehistoric
  2. "Did you ever wonder where Eddie learned to control minds and use magic as she did?" Retorted Medea.
  3. "I think you mistake the student for the master."
  4. Medea shook her head, "you don't understand. She doesn't let you remove her. You think your plan is going to do so but then you realize it was her pulling the strings. Leading you along the path she paved and you never even realized it."
  5. Lilyana smiled at Aster, still holding her hand as they searched for Eddie. "This is nice." @Ookla the Resolute
  6. Anna nodded, "of course that would probably be way better."
  7. Medea grimaced, "she never discards any of us. Just alters our memories and disposition and starts again. You can't escape, none of us can."
  8. "So would you like me to summon her here?"
  9. "I think she would," murmured Anna as she rubbed Eddie's back. "I know it might hurt but I think she would like to know."
  10. Medea hissed aggressively back, "missing your mommy dear, little bat?"
  11. Anna looked troubled, "I...I don't know. What if we gave her, her real memories and let her choose?"
  12. @Ookla the Believer Anna grinned back at him. Perhaps I haven't lost my charm after all this time afterall.
  13. She smiled girlish. "See you at seven tonight then, my fine gentleman." She blew him a kiss as he turned to go, and she blushed a vibrant red.
  14. Anna blushes deeper, "well if you put it that way Sir. Richard it seems rather forward. But yes, I am asking you out." @Ookla the Believer
  15. *hugs* Please if you ever need to talk to someone you can always text me. It'll never be a bother. You are a wonderful sister
  16. She ran her fingers through her hair nervously and blurted out. "So are you free this evening?"
  17. She shrugged, "your choice to remain in prison for the rest of your days. Come along Elan Jr. we should get back to the others."
  18. Her eyes flashed onyx black and then changed back to violet. "There's always a way and also other experiments you could be in."
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