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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. This gave him strange and mysterious powers and the enmity of at least two narrators.
  2. I got to see him tonight at the tour of the school, which has been open, but just deemed acceptable for parents to roam. Cello music by the piano guys, just in general. We sight read pieces today that I really enjoyed, but I don't remember the names, one was by Handel. A viola joke our teacher said today. "Don't be mean to the viola's, they burn longer."
  3. I am the third cellist and I enjoy being in orchestra. It is amazing, though our orchestra teacher left for a new school. And I know some violists jokes as well. Though the new school that he left for has 5 cellists and 2 violists, no basses, and 13 violin players.
  4. "I was not going to eat Noot." And to prove this Darkstalker bakes Noot his homemade chocolate chip instant cooked cookies.
  5. Darkstalker could see him and used an animus spell to remove his forced invisibility.
  6. That was amazing! You do truely have a natural gift for the piano and improvisation.
  7. Darkstalker got lots of letters telling him to burn down a school. "Hmm, should I listen to them?" He asked the nearby narrators.
  8. Should I destroy a school? Surely they count as evil. It's a smugglers phrase.
  9. Darkstalker baked a batch of cookies by roasting the dough, and using a level of fitness and skill only gained through many lifetimes he roasted them to perfection.
  10. We have a sharder meme thread for these types of memes, just to let you know Silhouette. NEVER MIND, THOUGHT THIS WAS SOMEWHERE ELSE.
  11. Darkstalker reappears with a 'I'm sorry' cake with mint icing, a side of coffee ice cream and a basket of strawberries and hands them to Nameless.
  12. I have only had the chance to read the first two and now I look forward to when I can get the thrid book.
  13. School internet is already slow. I also plan on submitting my papers next year and going on a mission when I can. After that, I have no idea. Except something to do with computers and coding. Possibly something in the field of biotechnology.
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