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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "If you'd like I could enchant a cello for you to attract more customers to the shop."
  2. Happy early Birthday Eluvianii!

    Here's a trick I found out. If you place a sleep toad and then a blast toad right after it and next to a sleeping monster, it will blast the monster with the 2x slap wake up and then put it back to sleep. 

    1. Eluvianii


      Thank you! 

      This seems to be a post-World thing, but it does sound super useful. I'll be sure to check it out once I get Rise. 

  3. "You tried to kill me, it failed. Before I would have excated revenge, now, well you will exact your own revenge on yourself. And that is not an animus spell, just fact."
  4. "No, only granting the occasional traveler's wish and messing with adventures for now."
  5. "I have also helped others before. Granting wishes to others is a enjoyable past time. I have heard to a being who is rather good at this, she is called the Nightwatcher, or so I have been told."
  6. "My past is mostly behind me, I promise to only subjugate races that Wizard allows me to or that are harmful." The illusion of Darkstalker fuzzes and the shotgun blast falls into the ceiling.
  7. Darkstalker splits into four. "It's an old past time that I never actually got to do." Darkstalker snorts and imprints the book with his fire. "Wizard freed me." Darkstalker changed this to the WoT wiki.
  8. Ahhm, wellll, we've converted members to the ghostbloods before, it is rather easy to jump ship.
  9. "Not sure yet. There are so many possibilities for world domination." Replies Darkstalker as he looks at the future.
  10. Welcome to the shard! What are your favorite characters?
  11. "Just seeing why people would want to eat them." Darkstalker grabs and enchants a few pebbles and hands the new diamonds to Nameless as payment.
  12. "Wizard wasn't exactly sure either." Says Darkstalker as he snatches a ninja from the air. "I am finally free to do as I want for the first time in, many, many, years.
  13. "I was, but he let me go after my rehabilitation was done. The key was that he made me one of his avatars." Rumbles Darkstalker.
  14. A shape blots out the sun and Darkstalker comes and lands in the center of the circle of narrators.
  15. It was so bad that no messaging system would deliver letters for him, including the message rat system.
  16. Yes, Calc to be precise. TPBM is excited for this school year, even though the workload will be high.
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