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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Hoid told design off for spoilering the story. "Now where was I? Yes, I was at the part where the butterfly and moth realize their quest is hopeless."
  2. If you join with me I can get you some medallions from scadrial.
  3. Many yak dragons died, but they ate the mordite swords and created many implosions.
  4. A army of yak dragons appears and fights the army of witherlords and ghanderflaffles.
  5. Happy Birthday SarChasmFiend!

  6. This set off a chain of events that disrupted the proceedings of the infiltration.
  7. Happy National Potatoe Day! And Soft Serve Ice cream Day! And World Humanitarian Day!

  8. That is allomancy not feruchemy, you'll need more rep for that.
  9. I choose to be a sparker as well. It is a rather optimal choice is it not?
  10. My Mom finally agreed to read mistborn, if I read the work and the glory book series. Finally all my family members old enough to read mistborn will have read it!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      If you are talking about people's personal failings that they had, I don't think that they were edited out, and they weren't out of the Saints Volumes. The only change that makes it historical fiction is a ficticious family that accompanies the Smith's through out all of the church's history.

    3. Shining Silhouette
    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      You still doing this =P

  11. Proof: Only shards have seen the spirtual realm and obviously they are terrified to tell others of the danger that awaits there. Theory: Roshar will collide into Scadrial.
  12. Do we want to start a new story, soonish, like after a few pages?
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