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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. Granted. You are now blind. I wish to have all the cards I need for my Yu-gi-oh deck of cards.
  2. Take it home and feed it. How would I know it was a demon, all I would see would be a cute cat. What would you do if you found a bomb that have five seconds left on the timer in your pocket?
  3. From what redemption, the narrators would never know, except Nameless, cause he knew some how.
  4. Activate your pyromanical tendencies. When you are flying an airplane.
  5. Welcome to the Shard! Both puns are very good!
  6. If Nin's apprentice could figure out how to ascend he would gain the R.C.M.P. and Nin's respect.
  7. Wizard collided into a hippo at the end of the slide and the hippo went flying.
  8. I just tend to put all the elim specific roles for the elims in. Thought all possible elim roles are Aes Sedai, Amrylin Seat, Warder, Blademaster, Forsaken, and Myrdraal. I don't know the usual distro amounts for eleven people but three seems more likely than two. Two might be more likely with the possible random strikes in the dark (lightning) and hitting villagers instead of elims. Forsaken can have an extra kill each round, as one weave is going to always work. Blademaster can fake village if "killed". Myrdraal can vote and continue actions a turn after they are dead. Aes Sedai can also have a possible extra kill, less than forsaken, but still possible. Amrylin seat can change vote away from a elim teamate. Warders can protect themselves and elim Aes Sedai from a kill. Those are just my thoughts on possible elim strategies and combinations.
  9. Wizard jumped down the slide using the surge of abrasion and soon caught up to and passed Silhouette.
  10. That would a rather.interesting dynamic. There could be four elims or two, but three seems the most likely amount.
  11. "Now we must take the endless slide, or a thirty minute slide into the dark. There is another way, but this is the fastest way."
  12. So then assuming that there are three elims. It is likely that one is a forsaken, one is a Myrdraal and one is just a black sister.
  13. The ground crackered and the corpses were eaten by The Last Krakitrice, who was now the size of a small mountain.
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