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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "The Nethergrim blessed it's servants by having young children abducted and the servant perform a spell that lengthens their years while draining the children of all their youth." Wizard starts walking. "I am leaving, you can join me or not. Just wait before deciding to help the Nethergrim."
  2. Finally someone else who plays Yu-gi-oh! Welcome to the shard!
  3. "Your goal is to touch the nethergrim with the wild orb. BUT, you must know that the nethergrim must not touch the wild orb with it's tendrils. Terrible things will happen if it does. I am a distraction to keep the nethergrim focused on me and not on you adventures."
  4. "The Nethergrim is wiser than your average book villians." Wizard rummages through the bag looking for something. "We will need the wild orb that Calano gave you to weaken The Speakk enough to seperate the nethergrim from Emma."
  5. Wizard holds Calano's gaze. "I know how dangerous it is, but if I don't go, the nethergrim will crush them in seconds."
  6. "Yes, there is one thing." Wizard looks around the adventures. "I will be joining you to lead you through the last leg of your journey."
  7. Books before Friends Welcome to the shard! Favorite book quote?
  8. Wizard summoned some decorations and summoned some more people. @CalanoCorvus @That1Cellist @The Bookwyrm
  9. And so Wizard took on the burden and a weighty burden it was. @AonEne @Apollyon @Aquilla @Ark1002 @beantheboy12 @Bearer of all agonies @BitBitio @Blake Hawklow @Blessed peace @BringerofShadows @Broseph @Caratacos Olympiodoros @Chasmgoat @CoreyTab @Darth Woodrack @DoomStick @Edgedancer_of_spirits @Elend Venture @Elf @Emery the Steelrunner @Emi @EmulatonStromenkiin @Ethan_sedai @Experience @FatherTiempo @Feruchemical Bowser @Firerust @Gancho Libre @Ghanderflaffle @I Am Witless @Ink @Jaywalk @John Flamesinger @Kelsier'sGodComplex @King Aragorn of Gondor @King of Herdaz @Landing Sequence @Life&Death @LightReader @Little Bear @Lunamor @Mortals @Nohadon @Queen Elsa Steelheart @Rebecca @recneps @Rosharan A.C. @Rosharan Chicken @rosharian_cat
  10. Wizard concurred that Nameless was right and that there was only one post left now.
  11. Granted. Your bane is that cats constantly find their way into your house and create large piles of cat hair. I wish for a powerful magic staff. running out of ideas.
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