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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. And yet totally possible. A rather strange conundrum that broke scholar minds.
  2. And so Butt proved the theory, that if you don't know that something is impossible it is possible, right.
  3. That was really fun and it taught me a few things. Thanks for running the game Elandera and araris Valerian! We stood little chance against the elims after a few cycles. I now have trust issues, but I don't hold it against anyone.
  4. I will not murder you, does that work as payment for mowing my lawn? I will do it for twenty-three more rupees.
  5. The room starts to glow white and reality starts to assert itself. @Nameless @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  6. Welcome! Favorite cosmere book?
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