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The Wandering Wizard

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Everything posted by The Wandering Wizard

  1. "What do you think of the plan? And of our little family?"
  2. "I...I don't know." She grimaced and magicked the bullet out and healed it. "I don't know anymore...you were not yourself and then you shot me." @Ookla of Ravens
  3. Finally she looked down at him, wings rustling slightly. "So what do you really think?"
  4. "But what do you mean?? I'm so confused right now."
  5. "Uh I'm not certain." She looks genuinely confused at Eddie. "Why?"
  6. She blushes and the stars on her dress begin winking. Charlie looks confused, "Eddie? What's wrong?"
  7. Her mom just winks at her. Charlie smiled at her, "Hey Eddie. It's nice to see you so soon. I thought you wouldn't be back from your trip for a while."
  8. She blushed, "sorry I'm a bit weird about my weapons."
  9. She nodded, "yeah and I imagine their voices in my head."
  10. "It's a lovely blade." She squinted a little and pulled her hands apart. A vibrant ruby blade appearing in-between them. "This is my first sword and her name is Samantha. "
  11. "Me too...me too." "Well as I don't here a no..." She grinned and wiggled her fingers and Charlie appeared. "What...Eddie? Where am I? I was just playing with my mates and then I'm here...where ever here is." She shrugged, "usually I prefer elements and forging them into my weapons. Particularly my bow."
  12. Anna giggled and targets appeared on all the trees. Knives appeared around her and each zipped off for the center of the targets. "I could summon Charles here if you wanted," she slyly smiled. "Well if not her then who or what did?"
  13. "Sorry Eddie, it's been centuries." She smiled and a target appeared on a nearby tree.
  14. Emma looked at her amused, "and Zira dear, try to figure out how to turn yourself back."
  15. "Hmmmmm. Medea release Elan, and Elan come walk with me." Ordered Emma, leaving no room for argument. Media hissed in annoyance but she let him go, her tail caressing him one last time.
  16. "Yeah. Some of it was her and some of it wasn't." Lilyana sighed, "but when she seemed herself she just seemed determined to push me away again."
  17. "I feel like I love her but it doesn't really feel like she loves me. And I thought that I could always handle it when she gets the way she does sometimes but nothing has changed. And it seems it never will." Tears started to form in her eyes and she blinked them away.
  18. She smiled a wonderful smile at him. "That's just the least that I can do."
  19. "Medea! Leave your guest alone for the moment." Medea grumbled and sighed loudly, "so should change it though?" "Of course we should," replied Emma. "If we do then we can install our own puppet leader and control everything from the shadows, allowing us to always back the rebellion. Which will allow us to always start anew until we can make all as us." A grin grew across Medea's face and her tail snaked around Elan's body. "I like that idea."
  20. She laughs back and it tinkles all around them.
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